Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man
Become a Brand Builder | HANS MOLENKAMP
All of us are building a brand at any given point regardless of if we’re intentional about it or not. Whether you’re trying to convince your kids to do their chores, get that lady to go on a date with you, secure a promotion with your boss, or solicit clients to do business with you, your credibility and influence spell the difference between success and failure.
Today I am joined by a man uniquely qualified to discuss this topic as he’s been a major player in Monster’s branding and marketing and eventually working closely with the UFC to sponsor fighters. His name is Hans Molenkamp and in this conversation, we talk about what it means to be influential, how to develop powerful relationships, the power of exploring many different areas of interest, and, ultimately, how to become a brand builder.
[quote cite='Hans Molenkamp' align='none']"As long as you can produce results and be a viable partner in creating business, people will want to work with you." Tweet That[/quote]
Gents, today I am joined by a fascinating individual. His name is Hans Molenkamp and he’s a bit of a modern renaissance man in that he explores so many unique interest and activities from photography to skateboarding to surfing to marketing to mixed martial arts.
He’s arguably one of the most influential people connected with the UFC and, if you follow his Instagram page, you’ll see he’s connected with guys like Rampage, Conor McGregor, and just about everyone in between.
He initially got his start in marketing and branding in the mid-’90s with Osiris shoes then on to a key component of Monster’s marketing and branding division and eventually becoming a liaison of sorts between Monster, professional fighters, and the UFC.
And, today, he’s here to share his story from humble beginnings to go on to work with some of the most elite athletes in the world.
[quote cite='Hans Molenkamp' align='none']"I put every ounce into what I do to make sure the results I get for the people and brands I work with are at the level they want." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Hans Molenkamp' align='none']"I'm not known for asking people for money. I'm known for getting people paid." Tweet That[/quote]
As I was flying home from Sorinex’s SummerStrong event, the plane started to bob up and down. As we dealt with the turbulence, I could feel the pilot making corrections in altitude and direction to navigate us out of the clouds. And, as he did, I couldn’t help but think of his team on the ground directing him to safer, smoother paths.
I share that with you because everywhere you look, you can see the value in having a powerful team to direct you throughout the course of your life. Yeah, you could go at it alone but why deal with all the turbulence of life if there is someone there to support you, back you up, and light the better path?
That’s the power of the Iron Council, our exclusive brotherhood of men working together to chart their own paths and learn how to navigate the pressure and turbulence this life has to offer.
If you’re ready to be part of a team, a band of brothers if you will, who are doing big things in their lives and want to help you do the same, join us at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.
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Show notes https://orderofman.com/218
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