Although the likelihood of us facing a life and death survival situation or natural disaster is lower than it has ever been, there is value in learning how to deal with these potentially devastating life events.
Today, I am joined by my friend, MMA fighter and survivalist Josh Tyler to talk about his latest experience in a 21-day survival challenge, the skill sets we’ll need to survive, some of the biggest threats to our safety and security, and how to survive emergencies, natural disasters, and dangerous encounters.
[quote cite='Josh Tyler' align='none']"You can have all the skills and training in the world, but you have to be able to deploy them at the right time." Tweet That[/quote]
Today, I am joined by my friend Josh Tyler who I consider to be one of the most capable men I know.
He’s an MMA fighter, a survivalist, and a man who knows a ton about how to keep himself alive in some of the most challenging and dangerous encounters we may face. He’s also been instrumental in the experiences we run with men and their boys and has personally helped me become more equipped to deal with some of life’s uncertainties.
He’s also some who looks for difficult situations and thrusts himself into those environments willingly to make himself more capable and proficient as a man.
Take notes today and enjoy my conversation with Josh Tyler.
[quote cite='Josh Tyler' align='none']"It wasn't until I was physically broken down that I became in-tune with what was inside of me." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Josh Tyler' align='none']"We often look for the home run in everything we do. Sometimes a foul ball can be enough to move us in the right direction." Tweet That[/quote]
One of the biggest challenges men face on their journey to improve themselves is having to go at it alone. It can be done but there is something powerful to be found in banding together with other men.
And, that’s where a brotherhood of like-minded men comes into play. We call it the Iron Council and through helping thousands of men like you tap into this powerful network, we’ve seen men salvage devastated marriages, reconnect with their children in powerful ways, lose weight, gain confidence, develop clarity, and generally make themselves into stronger, tougher, better, more capable men.
We do this through our framework of communication and a proven system that is designed to push and test men in ways they may never have.
If this sounds of interest to you and you want to learn more, join us at
[quote cite='Josh Tyler' align='none']"Being a man is having a certain level of competency and confidence." Tweet That[/quote]
Free tools, tactics and techniques to help you be the man you were meant to be.