January 18, 2022

TOM DEBLASS | How You Bear It

Life is tough for everyone, some more than others. It’s not a question of whether or not we have or will face adversity but a matter of how we bear it that counts. Whether you grew up in an abusive home, without a father or mother in your life, overcome depression, addiction, and/or suicidal thoughts, every single one of us struggles.

And, my guest today, world champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, Tom DeBlass, is no exception to that. Today, Tom and I talk about his new book, How You Bear It. We also talk about the importance of doing things the right way versus chasing wins, how to keep yourself centered in the midst of chaos, why and how purpose can be found in service to others, how to keep ourselves from self-sabotaging, and so much more.

[quote cite='Tom DeBlass' align='none']"I can be more compassionate than most people can be, but at the same time, I can be more violent." Tweet That[/quote]

Tom DeBlass

tom deblass

My guest today is a Brazilian Jiu-Jistu Black Belt World Champion, Tom DeBlass. He’s a No Gi World Champion, a Pan American Champion, a No Gi Pan American Champion…you get the point. He’s an absolute beast on the mats and someone I’ve respected for a very long time not only for his performance on the mats but his performance off of them.

He’s also happens to be a world-class coach as he heads dozens of academies and has coached some of the most elite level athletes in the world. Tom is someone who learned early how to take the self-healing powers of martial arts to improve himself and his students around the world.

Tom is a very fascinating person and his perspective of life and his experiences are something all of us can relate to some degree. Enjoy.


[quote cite='Tom DeBlass' align='none']"If you want to make changes, you have to do so in a strategic way." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Allow yourself to be a student
  • Trying to stay positive in the face of adversity
  • Moving away from living passively
  • Having the “capability” to administer violence allows you the freedom to be compassionate
  • Doing things out of fear rather than out of confidence
  • Benefitting from physical pain
  • Feeling worthy of success
  • You have to be strategic to make changes

[quote cite='Tom DeBlass' align='none']"Every day I wake up, I’m reminded of the life I chose." Tweet That[/quote]

Iron Council

I’ve received hundreds of email over the past several weeks about when our exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council is going to open back up. I know you guys are anxious to band with us but I want to make sure that when we do, we’ll have everything in place to help you maximize your experience and results inside.

For now, if you want to be notified when we open back, head to www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil. And, if you want to prepare in the meantime so you can make the most of your experience with us, go to our 30-Day Battle Read program at www.orderofman.com/battleready.

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