Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.
- Dallas Willard
How much stress, how many mistakes, how many missed opportunities come from your addiction to speed? Always multitasking, always behind, never fully present. That’s not hustle, that’s just sloppy.
You don’t need more time — you need less waste.
This cycle of mindlessly wasting time, only to franticly race through real priorities — that’s not just poor time management, that’s a disservice to all.
This is what happens when you live by cultural norms rather than your own sovereignty. If your schedule has no margin, that’s on you. You set your boundaries. If they’re making you frantic, unfocused, and ineffective, it’s your job to fix them.
Slow down. Take control. Resist the rush.
Free tools, tactics and techniques to help you be the man you were meant to be.