Somewhere, at some point you’ve hit rock bottom. I know I certainly have. For me, it was 7 years ago when my wife and I decided to call it quits. Fortunately, I hit it hard enough and fast enough I was able to do something about it and save our marriage.
Today, I talk with my friend and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Ryan Blair, about hitting rock bottom, how to dig yourself out of it, and become a rock star.
[quote cite='Ryan Blair' align='none']"Be a good teacher and an even better student." Tweet That[/quote]
Ryan Blair
Ryan Blair is the co-founder and chief executive officer of ViSalus Sciences, a #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author, an serial entrepreneur who came from nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
At the age of 21, Blair had already founded his first business, 24/7 tech, and has since created and sold numerous other companies for hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of his carrer.
In 2011 he wrote a book titled Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: How I Went from Gang Member to Multimillionaire Entrepreneur which reached The New York Times Best Seller list. And, in 2012, Ernst & Young named Blair as Entrepreneur of the Year.
Today he's here to talk with us about his new book, Rock Bottom to Rock Star.
[quote cite='Ryan Blair' align='none']"Hope isn't a strategy" Tweet That[/quote]
Show Highlights and What You'll Learn
- What it means to be a "rock star"
- How to build an incredibly powerful network
- How to reach out to potential mentors
- How to develop more focus
- The power of creating systems
- How to identify and eliminate excuses
- How to harness the power of your weaknesses
[quote cite='Ryan Blair' align='none']"I chose to create my own rules and own beliefs and not subscribe to anyone else's." Tweet That[/quote]
Order of Man Inaugural Uprising
Iron Council - Order of Man Elite Mastermind
[quote cite='Ryan Blair' align='none']"When you have a purpose, a lot of things get a lot better." Tweet That[/quote]
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