rick trimmer
November 1, 2022

RICK TRIMMER | One Foot in Front of the Other

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Failures, victories, challenges, setbacks, ups and downs, and everything in between. They’re all part of life. It’s how we frame the rollercoaster of events and what we do about them that make us men.

Today, I’m joined by longtime friend, serial entrepreneur, hunter, husband, and father, Rick Trimmer to talk about some of his biggest challenges and how he’s learned to overcome the adversity to create an incredible life for himself and family. We cover the path of least resistance and the path of most resistance, overcoming failure and losing everything, doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do, and putting one foot in front of the other every day.

[quote cite='Rick Trimmer' align='none']"For every one success I had, I had nine failures…but I kept pushing through the failures." Tweet That[/quote]

Rick Trimmer

rick trimmer

As I mentioned earlier, my guest today is Rick Trimmer. Rick and I have been friends for over 20 years when we were snot-nosed college-aged kids worrying only about girls and the next party we’d attend.

That said, Rick has gone on to create an incredible life for himself and his beautiful family. He formally retired in his late 30’s and uses his business and investment portfolio to travel the world for 6+ months of the year at a time.

He’s an incredibly successful businessman and, since I know him so well, I can tell you one of his greatest strengths is his curiosity. It’s that curiosity for life that has driven much of his success and wealth.

[quote cite='Rick Trimmer' align='none']"Anything in life, just ask or go for it." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Why men have trouble going deep into relationships
  • The power of genuine curiosity
  • You need to keep pushing through challenging times
  • Achieving your goals doesn’t happen overnight
  • Getting through life minute by minute
  • Sometimes its appropriate to feel ashamed
  • Helping other men learn from your mistakes
  • Finding purpose in the absence of religion
  • Being a “stay at home dad”
  • Showing gratitude to those who support you

Are You Battle Ready?

Around this time of year, most men start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions and what they’re going to do next year. Why wait? Do it now.

The challenge is knowing where to start and what exactly to do. And, while I can’t tell you what to do (no man can), I can give you free access to a tool that will teach exactly how to identify your most pressing challenges and objectives, and actually drive you towards the action that has kept you from accomplishing what you desire.

It's call 30 Days to Battle Ready and when you sign up to this free tool, you gain access to 17 emails each designed to be delivered to you in a precise way to achieve maximum results. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, join the 30 Days to Battle Ready program now.

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