Order of Man Podcast Episode 303
November 17, 2020

Writing Your Redemption Story | TANK

We all mess up from time to time and occasionally lose our way. You might be in the midst of that right now. But if not, there’s likely a time in your life you felt lost, empty, and void of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in your life.

And, that’s exactly what my guest today, Tank, and I talk about. But more importantly that the feeling of despair and hopelessness, we talk about the path to redemption and how it is all within your control. We also cover how to best fight your demons, the shame of victimhood and how to overcome it, finding faith when you don’t have any in yourself, and rescuing yourself from drowning in this experience we call life.

[quote cite='TANK' align='none']"You can dig yourself out of the deepest rut as long as you believe in yourself and do it the right way." Tweet That[/quote]



Gents, I’m stoked to introduce you to my friend and guest today, Tank. This podcast has been a long time in the works and, although Tank and I were going to do it years ago, he didn’t feel he was in the right space at the time but that’s okay because this podcast, now, is extremely powerful.

Tank is a former Marine, “social media influencer” (we talk more about this in the podcast), and currently a police officer in Texas. But more importantly than that, Tank is someone who self-admittedly has messed up his life, burned bridges, and made some mistakes (as have we all) but is on the path to redemption

Please listen to this episode all the way through because I know Tank’s story is going to resonate with you and help you immensely on your own journey.

[quote cite='TANK' align='none']"Latch on to somebody that is a prime example of who you want to be and what you want to be like in your life." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Finding the truth
  • Getting off social media
  • Rebuilding relationships
  • The servant's heart
  • Fighting the demons
  • Overcoming your shame
  • Chasing fame
  • Finding balance in life
  • Developing faith in yourself
  • Starting a new chapter
  • Accepting responsibility

[quote cite='TANK' align='none']"Any drama that you have in your life is because of something you did. Not anyone else." Tweet That[/quote]

Order of Man Store

Many of you may not know that we have our very own merchandise store and we’ve stocked up for the winter and holidays with new hoodies, windbreakers, beanies, hats, and shirts. And, of course, we’ve got a new supply of our best-selling 12-Week Battle Planners.

If you want to support what we’re doing here with Order of Man, let people know where you stand, look good in the process, and pick up some tools that will help you thrive in your life, please check out the Order of Man store at store.orderofman.com.

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