October 22, 2024

DR. WARREN FARRELL | Male Privilege/Power: Fact or Fiction?

Many of us have been accused of perpetuating the concept of male privilege and male power. Heaven forbid a man uses his God-given talents and abilities to lift his people up. But too many misguided and damaged souls tend to see only the worst parts of the men in their vicinity or, on social media and in the bright light of the entertainment industry. Those men, in no way, are indicative of the general consensus of men and, yet, many still view men as the premier problem in society today.

My guest today, Dr. Warren Farrell, helps unpack why that is not the case and, if anything how genuine men are the cure to many of the ailments of modern times. We talk about why “men’s issues” are not just men’s issues, the differences in what language men and women speak, the male equivalents of the feminist movement, why men are more interested in garnering respect than love, the dreaded “V-word” (vulnerability), and 6 mindsets to form powerful connections between men and women.

Warren Farrell

Joining us today for the three-peat is Dr. Warren Farrell.

His works with his book, The Boy Crisis, have been instrumental in some of the work we do here with our young men. And, in his latest book, Role Mate to Soul Mate, he formulates the most powerful ways to connect deeply with the women in our lives.

Dr. Farrell is the author of eight books on men’s and women’s issues and, as a previous supporter of second-wave feminism turned leading figure in the men’s rights movement, he has seen first-hand the dangers and benefits of these movements and how we as both men and women ought to consider moving forward.

He has become a leading voice and champion for men in the wake of the destructive ideologies of the extreme feminist movements and is here to talk with us today about how we navigate the landscape between men and women.

Show Highlights

  • The Boy Crisis and Male Identity  
  • Reframing Power and Responsibility in Men  
  • Gender Dynamics in Communication and Relationships  
  • Improving Communication in Relationships  
  • The Art of Non-Defensive Communication  
  • Deepening Love Through Relationship Practices  
  • Enhancing Relationships Through Active Listening


Most men will pay lip service and tell everyone how important it is for us to band together. But, in reality and practicality, how often does that actually happen? Far less than we ought to have to admit.

But banding together as men is one of the most powerful ways to create meaningful change in our own lives and in the lives of those we care about. I don’t want to blow smoke up your arse. I want to actually live by what I preach.

And, that’s why I’ve banded with Larry Hagner, Connor Beaton, and Matt Beaudreau to bring you an event and experience unlike any other in the spring of 2025. It’s called, The Forge: A Gathering of Men. And, when you register, you’re going to join us and hundreds of other men for learning, leaning into each other, camaraderie, and the accountability required to realize our full potential as men!

Join us at www.themensforge.com.

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