Gents, today I am joined by my friend and repeat guest, Jack Carr. There are just certain people that when you meet them, there seems to be a connection like you’ve been friends for a very long time.
I’m honored that Jack is joining me again to talk about the second installment of his thriller series, True Believer. But we talk about a whole lot more than just that. We dive into the pros and cons of social media, falling into comparison with others, learning to be a professional in all your endeavors, the trap of identifying with your occupation, and a whole lot more.
[quote cite='Jack Carr' align='none']"I used to solve problems aggressively on the battlefield. Now, I do that on the written page." Tweet That[/quote]
As I mentioned earlier, my friend, Jack Carr is back for round two on the podcast.
If you don’t know who Jack is, he spent 20 years in Navy Special Warfare as an enlisted SEAL sniper to a troop and eventually a unit commander with multiple combat deployments.
Upon retiring from the Navy, Jack went on to establish a very successful writing career (something he always knew he wanted to do after service). In fact, his books are two of the very few fictional books I’ve ever read and I was not able to put them down.
He draws upon his lessons from the military and his extensive training and research to create powerful stories that every man will enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy listening in on our conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.
[quote cite='Jack Carr' align='none']"I love that people can escape into the pages of a novel and go along on a journey." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Jack Carr' align='none']"Being self-reliant, being able to provide and defend your family, and how important it is to raise good productive citizens encapsulates what it means to be a man." Tweet That[/quote]
I’ve got to bring your attention to something I haven’t talked about for a little while and that is our ORDER OF MAN LEGACY EXPERIENCE.
We’ve just released the dates and registration for our next father/son experience which will talk place in Central Maine on June 11th-14th 2020. This is an experience designed to forge a deeper bond between you and your son and give you the tools and guidance you’ll need to usher your boy into manhood.
We’ve only done two events of these in the past and this will be the first one held on our new property in Maine. After doing about a dozen different events, I can tell you that the LEGACY EXPERIENCE is, by far, my favorite event to host.
Head to to get more information, watch a video recap from our last event, and get registered. Do it quickly because we only have 16 spots remaining. That is it! Again,
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