The Value Proposition
April 10, 2018

160: The Value Proposition | Tyler Harris

Adding value is a phrase we'll all heard. Like any word the marketers of the world get ahold of, it begins to lose some of it's meaning when it's overused. But that overuse doesn't make it any less valuable as a strategy for growth and success.

My guest today, Tyler Harris, is using the idea of adding value to create a hugely successful social media business on top of his already existing success in the financial services industry. Today, we talk about how personal responsibility lies at the foundation of success, how and why every man should develop more presence, why people are starving for the truth, and how the value proposition is so powerful.

[quote cite='Tyler Harris' align='none']"When I get on something, I don't have any other mode than 'all in.'" Tweet That[/quote]

Tyler Harris

Tyler HarrisGentlemen, I have the honor of introducing you to someone I've been following for a little while now, Tyler Harris.

I've been extremely impressed by his level of dedication and discipline when it comes to building a new business using the power of social media. I talk with a lot of people who want to build a movement using the social tools at our disposal but I talk with very few who are doing it in a way that actually moves the needle.

And, as I got to know more about Tyler's story, I can see why. He's been hugely successful in establishing relationships and putting in a ton of work in order to thrive in the financial services industry (which is a very hard market to break into).

Now, he's applying those same principles to his new endeavors and sharing them with us today.

[quote cite='Tyler Harris' align='none']"You won't be able to receive the blessing on the other side of your struggle until you become the person who can." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Striking a balance in life
  • The power of consistency
  • Determining what course of action is best for you
  • Why you should lead with insane levels of value
  • How personal responsibility is the foundation of achievement
  • Why you should avoid playing not to lose
  • Why the truth is so refreshing to people
  • Using social media as an accountability tool
  • How to avoid mismanaging your time
  • Developing presence
  • The qualities to look for in team members

[quote cite='Tyler Harris' align='none']"Making the same mistakes over and over again means you haven't taken personal responsibility - you haven't taken ownership for the outcome of those mistakes." Tweet That[/quote]

Exclusive Brotherhood, The Iron Council

You may have heard of our exclusive brotherhood, The Iron Council, by now. And, if you haven't you're about to.

I get so many questions about how to apply what we've been sharing here within Order of Man over the past three years. The Iron Council represents the next step, the next evolution, in the application of the principles we've been sharing.

Each month, we dive deep into a topic, I generate an assignment that will help draw out the conversations and challenges we'll be having, and put in place the accountability to help you keep to the actions that will help you connect with people more deeply, launch that new business, lose that spare tire, and/or build a new set of skills that will help you thrive as a man.

If you're interested in joining us, head to www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

[quote cite='Tyler Harris' align='none']"A man is someone who has the ability to go all in." Tweet That[/quote]

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