Team-Building Strategies Featured Image
August 16, 2016

Team-Building Strategies from the Special Forces and GoRuck

Self-made man: it's a term that gets tossed around a lot. And, while there's certainly an exciting element to being a man who creates his own luck, the reality paints a different story. In fact, no man ever made it on his own.

Today, I talk with Jason McCarthy, retired Green Beret and the founder of GoRuck about communication, building rapport, and team building strategies from the special forces and GoRuck.

[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"Everybody has this longing to be human." Tweet That[/quote]

Jason McCarthy

Jason McCarthy

My guest today is an Army Special Forces Soldier (AKA, Green Beret) and the founder of GoRuck, Jason McCarthy.
Jason enlisted in the Army after 9/11 and spent time serving our nation in Iraq. After leaving the military he founded the company GoRuck based on the lessons of team building, communication, and rapport he learned in training and in war.

Along with his team of military members, GoRuck's goal is serve as a voice for good, employ more Veterans of Special Operations than any organization outside the US military, and build a bridge between the military and civilian worlds.

[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"GoRuck became the bridge back the civilian world I needed." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights and What You'll Learn

      • Why endurance events and obstacle course racing is gaining traction
      • Why the struggle makes you stronger
      • How to build confidence
      • How to develop leadership
      • How to build support structures in your life
      • The importance of communication
      • How to build rapport and trust with your team

[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"We all just need to be a little tougher and we need exposure to what that looks like." Tweet That[/quote]


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[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"Is life about KNOWING or is life about DOING?!" Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Jason MCarthy


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