We’re all focused right now on producing maximum results. And, while most men will likely bow out of their resolutions in the next 30 days, it still makes a ton of sense to consider what new habits and actions you can implement on your path to change your life.
That’s why I wanted to have my good friend and fellow podcaster, Ryan Hawk back on the podcast. He’s got a new book coming out that I highly recommend: The Pursuit of Excellence: Uncommon Behaviors of the World’s Most Productive Achievers. Today, Ryan and I cover why we should focus on long-term results over short-term gains, privilege and nepotism and how to tip the odds in your favor, the difference between being liked and being respected, how to find meaning and joy in the climb, and how to achieve excellence in your life.
[quote cite='Ryan Hawk' align='none']"The reason I write books, and will continue to write books, is because it’s so hard." Tweet That[/quote]
My guest today is good friend and fellow podcaster, Ryan Hawk. I believe that Ryan and I started podcasting around the same time and I’ve learned so much from him and watching him grow his movement in tandem with me trying to do the same on my end.
Ryan is a speaker, podcast, advisor, and author and has done an incredible job of leveraging his talents in the corporate world and on the football field to help Fortune 500 companies, NBA and NFL teams, and some of the most recognizable brands on the planet.
He’s the author of Welcome to Management and his newest book, The Pursuit of Excellence.
[quote cite='Ryan Hawk' align='none']"If you don't tell someone the truth when you know the truth would help them…that’s a selfish act." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Ryan Hawk' align='none']"When your kids have free time, what do they choose to do?" Tweet That[/quote]
Exciting news, gents. We released our first two episodes of my son’s newest podcast, Man in the Making. We’re having some incredibly powerful conversations, about loss, girls, discipline, drugs and alcohol, growing up, being a man, and so many more insightful conversations.
If you’re a father of a son or even a single mother of a boy(s) and you’re trying to raise them on your own, you’re going to find a ton of value from what we offer in our father/son podcast, Man in the Making.
We’re getting a ton of positive feedback so far which is what Brecken and I like to hear and, if you’ve listened, and enjoyed, please take a minute and leave us a 5-star rating and review in order to get the message to the masses.
You can listen anywhere you’re listening to this podcast by typing in “Man in the Making” in the search bar.
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