pete roberts
August 2, 2022

PETE ROBERTS | Unlocking American Potential


We’ve all begun to see the writing on the wall as it pertains to the loss in American manufacturing and the damage to the American supply chain. Continually, we have experienced losing jobs, harder to find items from toilet paper and baby formula to increasing concerns over Taiwan’s domination over the semiconductor market, and increasing costs for everyday goods and services.

My guest today is a man who is doing something about it. His name is Pete Roberts and he is the founder of OriginUSA which has dedicated itself to making all of their goods and products in America by Americans. Today, we talk about ever-changing market dynamics and how to stay ahead of the curve, why it’s crucial we honor our past manufacturing heritage, building what Pete calls, a “blockchain of manufacturing,” the power of the “blue collar mindset,” and fully unlocking American Potential.

[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"It's not fortune telling, it's actually a thing called market dynamics." Tweet That[/quote]

Pete Roberts

pete roberts

As I mentioned before, my guest today is good friend and founder of OriginUSA, one of the fastest growing manufacturers in America, Pete Roberts.

Pete started Origin in the backwoods of Maine to reclaim American Manufacturing and has since grown it into a nationally recognized brand with partner, Jocko Willink. Not only is Pete a good friend of mine, he has become an incredible mentor and someone who has helped me immensely in my own personal and professional journey. I’ve always enjoyed getting into the inner-workings of this man’s brain. I think you will too.

[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"We are the ones that drive the future." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Understanding market dynamics
  • People are realizing that they need to harden up
  • Dealing with overwhelm and distraction
  • Building up block chain manufacturing
  • We need to be prepared for China
  • We have to be savage about bringing back manufacturing and knowledge
  • Predicting the non-tangibles in the market
  • Scraping the good from the past and applying it to the future
  • Doing things for internal validation

[quote cite='Pete Roberts' align='none']"Somebody’s got to do it, because everybody needs it." Tweet That[/quote]


You’ve heard me talk about it quite a bit but it is imperative that we lead the future generations of men into manhood. Unfortunately, too many men are growing up without  a masculine father figure or role model to.

That’s why we created the Legacy Experience. I wanted to create an environment that would allow and assist fathers in ushering in their young men into manhood. Over the course of 3 ½ days, you and your son between the ages of 8-15 are going to be pushed and tested in new ways and forge a tighter bond than you ever have before.

We only have 2 spots remaining and we’d be honored to have you join us on September 22nd-25th for the 4th annual Legacy Experience.

To learn more and get registered, head to www.orderofman.com/legacy.

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