Obsession is Your Ally
October 4, 2016

OoM 081: Grant Cardone | Obsession is Your Ally

Obsession is often a word and thought process that's frowned upon by society today. My guest today, the one and only Grant Cardone tells us why obsession is absolutely critical to your success.

We talk about society as your worst enemy, how to use your addictions to your benefit, the myth of balance, the key to thinking bigger, and obsession hacks each and every one of us can use.

[quote cite='Grant Cardone' align='none']"Society was telling me to deny who I was, to deny my dreams." Tweet That[/quote]

Grant Cardone

Grant CardoneMen, today I introduce you to a man I've been telling you I'm going to get on the show for some time now, Mr. Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is an international sales expert, New York Times best-selling author, and radio show host of The Cardone Zone. He has founded three companies: Cardone Enterprises, Cardone Real Estate Holdings, and the Cardone Group.

He has shared his sales and business expertise as a motivational speaker and author of  Sell to Survive, The Closers Survival Guide, If You're Not First, You're Last, The 10X Rule, Sell or Be Sold, and his latest, Be Obsessed or Be Average.

Today I welcome Grant Cardone.

[quote cite='Grant Cardone' align='none']"At 25, I made a decision. I am going to OWN who I am." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights and What You'll Learn

  • How society can be your worst enemy
  • How to use your addictions to your benefit, not detriment
  • How to address the myth of balance
  • Why "sales" is critical to your success
  • How to develop the right mindest around money
  • Why others are working SO HARD to keep you average
  • How to "feed the beast" and "starve the doubts"
  • The key to thinking bigger
  • Key hacks for increasing your obsession

[quote cite='Grant Cardone' align='none']"Balance is a term people are using as an excuse to quit." Tweet That[/quote]


Iron Council - Order of Man Elite Mastermind


[quote cite='Grant Cardone' align='none']"I'm not interested in balance. I'm interested in going all-in on my dreams." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Grant Cardone

[quote cite='Grant Cardone' align='none']"Being the best is going to handle the rest of the 'stuff'." Tweet That[/quote]


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