[maxbutton id="1" url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nick-bare-forward-thinking-backward-planning/id979752171?i=1000590728736" ]
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Men, as you’re thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions, it’s easy to become trapped in day-dreaming . So many men look forward to what they want to accomplish but rarely do they calculate the plan to achieve their objectives and, most importantly, take the actions necessary.
Today, I am joined by former Army Ranger and founder of Bare Performance Nutrition, Nick Bare. We discuss removing ego from the equation, looking at life as a series of “sprints,” managing expectations with important people in your life, keeping yourself from becoming resentful and callused towards others, and the power of “forward thinking and backward planning.”
[quote cite='Nick Bare' align='none']"I thrive off other people's fire and passion." Tweet That[/quote]
My guest today is former Army Ranger, Nick Bare. Nick is the founder of the hugely successful company, Bare Performance Nutrition, which he started in college, built through military deployment, and has since turned into a multiple 8-figure nutrition company.
I’m inspired by Nick especially as he successfully navigates running his company, taking care of his mental, emotional, and physical health, and becoming a father for the first time. Nick is using his passion for exercise and nutrition to improve people’s lives through sports performance, his content online, his book (25 Hours a Day) and speaking engagements, and embodying the type of person others can look up to and learn from.
[quote cite='Nick Bare' align='none']"I'm always forward thinking, and then backwards planning." Tweet That[/quote]
You all know having men in your corner is crucial. I haven’t met too many men who don’t believe that’s the case. Why then does it seem as if few men have other male friends in their lives.
Is it because we’re busy? Is it because we don’t know where to turn to find strong men to band with? Is it because even if we do, it’s hard to broach crucial topics that can serve us well?
It’s likely all three and, fortunately, we’ve addressed all these problems inside our exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council.
When you band with us, we focus only on the most important issues utilizing tools that have proven to be effective and efficient so you’re not wasting a bunch of time on trial and error on unproven strategies.
You’re also going to be connected to men who are the same path as you – some further ahead and some a bit further behind – men who get what it’s like to want to thrive. And, we’ve created a system that allows you to have the deep, meaningful, impactful conversations most people aren’t having in order to drive the results most men don’t ever experience.
The good news is that we’re open for enrollment right now. To join us, head to www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.
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