MAT BEST | Forging Your Own Path
June 4, 2020

MAT BEST | Forging Your Own Path

Guys, I’ve got a great one lined up with you today with the one and only, Mat Best with Black Rifle Coffee Company. We do things a little different as we answer some live YouTube questions but we cover everything from learning to focus on what’s important, building confidence through creation, overcoming introversion, finding something that drives you, dealing with rejection, the power of different perspectives, and learning to become your own man.

[quote cite='Mat Best' align='none']"Sometimes confident has an aspect of being courageous." Tweet That[/quote]

Mat Best

Mat Best

My guest today is Mat Best and he is the co-founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company. Every time I have the opportunity to talk with Mat, I walk away thinking how down to earth this guy is in the face of some incredible accomplishments.

He is a former Army Ranger, successful entrepreneur, and New York Times Bestselling author of Thank You For My Service. And, he’s someone who has figured out what makes him happy, what he’s passionate about, and learned to go all-in on that pursuit.

[quote cite='Mat Best' align='none']"Sometimes the most freeing thing to do is go against the grain of what your brain wants to do." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Crushing your goals
  • Staying focused
  • Family time
  • Being better than average
  • Developing confidence
  • Prioritizing family
  • Going against the grain
  • Investing in yourself
  • Creating positivity
  • Putting in the work
  • Hating failure
  • Keys to success
  • Manufacturing hardship
  • Embarrassing moments
  • Figuring things out
  • Planning out your day
  • Creating your environment

[quote cite='Mat Best' align='none']"You have to have passion for what you’re doing in life to be successful." Tweet That[/quote]

Iron Council

This month, inside the Iron Council, has the potential to become the toughest, most engaging, challenging months we’ve had since we launched 5 years.

The title of this month’s topic is “The Father/Son Atonement” and we’re going to be discussing and working towards bridging the gap between fathers and their sons. It’s clear to me that the lack of fatherhood is a real problem in modern culture and after having one of my YouTube videos go viral (over 1,300,000 views) on the subject of fatherhood, this is clearly a topic that needs to be addressed.

If you decide to band with us this month, you’ll get access to the assignment, a Battle Team of 14 other men who will help hold you accountable to change and progress, and the challenges we issue that are going to push you further past your comfort zone then you’ve ever gone.

But that’s where the real change takes place and this is exactly where you’re going to want to be if you’re ready to expand.

Join us at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil to learn more and lock in your spot.

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