June 11, 2024

KIPP SORENSEN | Lessons Learned on a First Hunt

Hunting has become such an integral part of my life and I can’t help but want to talk about all the stories and memories I’ve made and what hunting has done in my own life with other people. Many of you who listen to the podcast, know my co-host, Kipp Sorensen. When I had the opportunity to take him on his first archery hunt in Hawaii last week, I could not wait for it.

Today, I share our conversation from the porch in Hawaii about his first archery experience. We talk about looking for and creating opportunities, the power of curiosity and inquisitiveness, how to get into hunting for the first time, being coachable and teachable and what that will do for your life, some of the lessons he’s learned, and whether or not he was able to get his first kill.

Kipp Sorensen

My guest today is our Ask Me Anything co-host and good personal fried, Kipp Sorensen. Kipp is an incredibly successful entrepreneur and businessman and he’s one of the best people I know.

He also has recently started doing a lot more work in the realm of leadership and personal development where he shares his insights and the goods, the bads, and the uglies of corporate management and leadership. The lessons he’s learned are valuable whether you’re in corporate America, a budding business owner, or a seasoned entrepreneur.

Kipp is also a family man, an indirect coach to me, and a great friend.


Show Highlights

  • Primitive Archery Hunt on Molokai
  • Navigating Challenges in Skill Development
  • Finding Joy in the Process


  • Learning Archery
  • Importance of Presence in Hunting
  • Leveraging Solitude for Growth
  • Focused Mindset in Challenging Situations
  • Hunting Strategies and Value Exchange
  • The Power of Curiosity and Communication
  • Understanding Appreciation in Relationships

Iron Council

This is the week, gentlemen. Our powerful brotherhood, the Iron Council opens up this Friday the 14th and I cannot wait to have you band with us.

I see way too many guys going at it alone in life and I can’t help but wonder when I see so many men struggle to achieve what they want why they won’t surround themselves with men who will help them on their path.

For thousands of years, men have been banding together in tribes and it isn’t until relatively recently that we have stopped and traded it in for a miserable, isolated life.

I get it. You’re busy. You’re overworked. You’re underpaid. And, you don’t know if it’s right for you. But you really ought to give it a shot. And, if it doesn’t work out, leave. It’s as simple as that.

I’m tired of watching men bang their heads against the wall to produce the same results they have for years if not decades. Join us now. www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

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