keith yackey
November 29, 2022

KEITH YACKEY | The 5 Dials to a Powerful Marriage

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Marriage is one of the most challenging yet rewarding pursuits for a man. Unfortunately, very few of us have ever been taught how to successfully navigate the dynamics between men and women. And, all too often, it leads to headache, heartbreak, and divorce.

Today, I’m joined by marriage expert Keith Yackey to talk about these dynamics and how to successfully build a long and thriving marriage. We talk about the ROI (return of intimacy) in marriage, how a man gains his power back after giving it away, the “mommy matrix,” why seeking her validation will backfire, and the 5 dials of a powerhouse marriage.

[quote cite='Eddie Penney' align='none']"We derive a lot of confidence from our competence." Tweet That[/quote]

Keith Yackey

keith yackey

My guest today is my good friend and personal mentor, Keith Yackey. I’ve learned so much from this man about not only running a business but how to make myself a better man as I try to improve my role as a father and husband.

Keith is an extremely successful entrepreneur, comedian, and marriage coach to hundreds of men across the world. He is using his personal experience – both successes and failures – to teach men the ins and outs, the do’s and don’t’s, and the interpersonal dynamics between husband and wife.

Again, he’s personally helped me so much and I know this conversation is going to enlighten you.


[quote cite='Eddie Penney' align='none']"When guys say ‘I do’ they act as though it’s done." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Thriving in business vs thriving in marriage
  • Five dials that help men measure effectiveness
  • Women want you to be a good parent
  • Women want you to be her partner
  • Women want you to be a producer
  • Women want you to have fun
  • Women want you to do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it
  • Become the guy that any woman would be thrilled to be with

Build a Brotherhood

Keith and I talk about the importance of having male relationships, especially as a married man. I personally know how challenging it can be when you don’t have other men to lean on, bounce ideas off of, and hold your feet to the fire.

But that continues to be a challenge which is why I started the Iron Council over 7 years ago. When you band with us, you’re banding with other men who have shown that they’re interested in doing the same and are on the path to becoming the best men they can be.

To learn more and to band with us, head to www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

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