With so many false narratives, it’s easy to get caught up in deceit, deception, and destruction. We don’t intentionally go out seeking these thoughts, ideas, and concepts that will do damage, but they have a way of creeping into our lives all the same. That’s why it’s crucial that we remain diligent and steadfast in seeking the truth about the way we operate as men.
Today, I’m joined by former pornstar turned preacher, Joshua Broome to talk about these lies and, most importantly, how to protect ourselves and our loved ones against them. We talk about the dangers in objectifying others, learning to be comfortable in our own skin, why money and fame won’t satisfy your soul, getting over the false approval of others, and why only you can be you (and, why that’s a huge advantage).
Joshua Broome, a former adult film star, embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, he found emptiness. And, he’s sharing his journey in his latest book, 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life.
Battling depression and thoughts of self-harm, Joshua discovered the transformative power of Jesus. He has become an outspoken advocate against pornography and the destructive role it plays in people’s lives. Joshua is also a public speaker and shares his message across the world of his personal battles with depression, suicidal thoughts, and overcoming emotional scars.
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When I started hunting 8 years ago, I found something that has become an integral part of my life. So many of my greatest memories have been formed in the mountains, deserts, and forests of the hunts I’ve been on. And, not to mention, I found so many similar men and forged deep bonds and connections with them.
That’s why I joined M42 Adventures – to build an organization dedicated to introducing others to the world of hunting and the outdoors. We have an Africa hunt coming up in July and August with not only hunting but a helicopter tour, an African safari, a 5-star facility, and a trip to an orphanage to give back to the community we’ll be in.
If you’re interested in joining me in Africa this year and see what other experiences we offer, head to www.m42adventures.com.
Free tools, tactics and techniques to help you be the man you were meant to be.