jonathan isaac
September 6, 2022

JONATHAN ISAAC | Becoming Bold as Lions

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our friends and family, potential loss of a job, and the financial insecurity that comes with it?

That’s exactly what my guest, NBA star Jonathan Isaac, had to deal with when he decided to stand for the National Anthem when all of his teammates took a knee during the height of the Black Lives Matter movement and the George Floyd case. Today, we talk about his decision to do so, why people place labels on and attempt to dehumanize others, facing your fears by walking with Christ, the power of social media and group think, and becoming bold as lions.

[quote cite='Jonathan Isaac' align='none']"I'm gonna choose to love." Tweet That[/quote]

Jonathan Isaac

My guest today is NBA superstar for the Orlando Magic, Jonathan Isaac. But that’s not really the best way to introduce him (as we talk about in this podcast) because he is more than what he does for a living.

Jonathan was thrust into the cultural limelight when he decided to stand for the National Anthem before a game in 2020 when all of his teammates took a knee. He’s since become a published author of the book, Why I Stand, where he chronicles not only his decision to stand when others didn’t but his path from a scared and timid boy to a confident, courageous man willing to stand by his convictions. He also talks extensively with me today about his transformation to a man of faith and shares how that journey has given him the strength he needs to succeed both on and off the basketball court.

[quote cite='Jonathan Isaac' align='none']"You can’t beat hate with hate." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Choosing to make a stand
  • Loving each other the way that God loves us
  • Highly emotional situations require restraint
  • Hypocrisy in the faith
  • Racism is cured by a change in someones heart
  • The message often gets lost in a protest
  • When God’s plan doesn’t align with our plan
  • Staying in your lane while being authentic to yourself

[quote cite='Jonathan Isaac' align='none']"Somebody’s out there looking out for me." Tweet That[/quote]

The Iron Council

Great news, gentlemen! After a much-anticipated wait, our exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council is opening back up next week for a very short period. This will be the last time we open up the Council until next year so if you’re on the fence about joining us, now is the time to do it.

When you band with us, you’re going to get all the tools and resources you need to thrive and achieve in every aspect of your life and, what I believe to be most important (especially as I’ve been working to improve my own scenario and situations) is the powerful tool of like-minded men who are all walking the same path as you.

These are men who will have your back, help you on your journey, give you the kick in the pants you need from time to time, and support you in making the most of your life. If you’re ready to join us, or at least learn what we’re all about, head to www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

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