john kim
August 23, 2022

JOHN KIM | Solid Self vs. Pseudo Self


I’ve spent a ton of time over the past several weeks really contemplating my performance and how I’m showing up both personally and professionally for my family, friends, and those of you who tune into what we’re doing here with Order of Man. It’s been a lot of time of self-reflection and, as challenging as it can be and has been in the past, it’s been therapeutic and helped me get back on the path I want to travel.

And, speaking of therapeutic, my guest today is John Kim, AKA The Angry Therapist. Today, we talk about the differences between liking and loving yourself and which is better to strive for, why we have to be careful of stamping ourselves as failures, how to uncover false beliefs burned in our subconscious, the power of identifying our value systems, and how to move away from the “pseudo self” to the “solid self.”

[quote cite='John Kim' align='none']"Men respond, boys react." Tweet That[/quote]

John Kim

john kim

My guest today is someone who I’ve been following for quite some time and I can tell you that his messages and podcast have been instrumental in helping me on my own self-development journey.

His name is John Kim and you may know him as The Angry Therapist. He is a licensed therapist and life coach, co-founder of TAT Lab and Lumia Coach Training, and a best-selling author of several books including his latest book, It’s Not Me, It’s You: Break the Blame Cycle. Relationship Better.

John’s personal path has led him to become a pioneer in the field of self-help and helping others cut through the B.S. (you’re going to hear a lot of that today). This one was a bit like my own personal therapy session and I know you’ll get a ton out of it too.

[quote cite='John Kim' align='none']"Love starts when it's hard." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Men respond, boys react
  • The value in believing in something greater than yourself
  • Relationships require a lot of work
  • Differing perspectives on “my truth”
  • How we can keep from hitting rock bottom
  • Being authentic vs. being a jerk
  • Defining the meaning of success
  • Outlining common “false beliefs” about ourselves
  • Defining your sense of worth

[quote cite='John Kim' align='none']"False beliefs are buried within our subconscious." Tweet That[/quote]

Stay in Touch

Guys, you’ve heard me talk about it quite a bit over the past several weeks but we’re really working to build out a series of emails delivered straight to you that are packed with value from discounts to products, information and insights I don’t share anywhere else, and exclusive content and notifications about upcoming events, speaking engagements, book release updates, and so much more.

And, we’re trying to find ways to stay away from the censorship of the tech overlords. Not that I won’t use social media to reach you and others but we’re always looking to create more meaningful connections with you and the other men we’re working to serve. If you want us to send all of that to you and get you the best content, head to www.orderofman.com and get signed up for our newsletters.

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