[maxbutton id="1" url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/john-delony-own-your-past/id979752171?i=1000554829638" ]
[maxbutton id="2" url="https://open.spotify.com/episode/15BKLLCV2y965GzAViGazT?si=9e53a59cc9e04e6d" ]
Every single one of us has past baggage and trauma. What separates us is the ability to internalize, learn from, and move past what may have previously hindered us. Embracing the past (and the lessons learned) is the only way to move forward productively and effectively.
My guest today, is Dr. John Delony. He is a bestselling author and has two PhD’s with over two decades of experience in counseling and crisis response. Today, we talk about dealing with past trauma in all its forms, working with incentive structures that produce positive results, overcoming stress, addiction, and loneliness, fighting against the east of modernity, and how to own your past.
[quote cite='John Delony' align='none']"We've become intellectually lazy." Tweet That[/quote]
Again, my guest today is Dr. John Delony. He is the host of the Dr. John Delony Show which is part of the Ramsey Solutions Network. He is also a PhD and has decades of experience in individual counseling, crisis management, and higher education.
He is also the author of Redefining Anxiety and his latest book, Own the Past, Change Your Future. I was recently a guest on his show and I’m glad to bring you part 2 of our discussion together…
[quote cite='John Delony' align='none']"Why read a book if you’re not interested in changing your mind?" Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='John Delony' align='none']"There is no greatness without other people speaking into your life." Tweet That[/quote]
Great news, gentlemen. The Iron Council is officially open and accepting new members. When I started the Iron Council 6 years ago, it was my goal to bring together hundreds of men in order to work together in accomplishing our individual goals and objectives.
And, it has exceeded our wildest expectations! When you band with us, you’re going to find over 1,200 other motivated and ambitious men all working together to create the life they’ve always wanted to.
If you want to connect with me and the other men, and finally build in some accountability into your life, join us now (we close quickly) at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.
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