Leadership Jocko
September 11, 2018

JOCKO WILLINK | The Dichotomy of Leadership

Extreme Ownership is a philosophy that has been coined by Navy SEALs, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, and one that most of you listening are familiar with. But when does extreme ownership become too much?

That's a question my guest, Jocko Willink, has answered in his new book, The Dichotomy of Leadership. Today, we explore that question, how to avoid taking things too far, how to overcome your own ego when you recognize it, how to strike the balance between caring for your team and placing the mission first, and so much more.

[quote cite='Jocko Willink' align='none']"There's a choice you make when you get crushed. You either say to yourself, "I need to stay away from this. I'm never going to let this happen again,' or you say, "I'm never going to let this happen again by learning everything I can about this so it doesn't happen to me.'" Tweet That[/quote]

Jocko Willink

Jocko WillinkMy guest today is a man who needs no introduction.

His name is Jocko Willink and this is the third time I've been fortunate enough to interview him for this podcast. Today, we cover his new book, The Dichotomy of Leadership (which is sure to be a New York Times Bestseller) the follow-up to Extreme Ownership.

As you are all well aware, Jocko is a Navy SEAL and was the commander of Task Unit Bruiser, the most highly-decorated special forces unit of the Iraq War.

I was fortunate enough to spend some time with him a couple weeks ago at Origin's Immersion Camp and I can tell you that this is a man who lives what he preaches. I saw a perspective of him through his instruction and stories from his team that only solidifies my respect for who he is as a veteran, husband, father, and man.

[quote cite='Jocko Willink' align='none']"Human beings want to have control over their own fate." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • How to get into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • How Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu translates into everyday life
  • How to remove your ego from the equation
  • When extreme ownership becomes a problem
  • How to avoid taking things too far
  • How and why you should allow your subordinates to lead
  • The dichotomy of caring about your team but putting the mission first
  • How to best honor the fallen
  • The meaning of duty
  • When to allow slack and when not to
  • The importance of appearance in leadership
  • Why you should make your boss look great
  • When you should and shouldn't tell the truth to your team
  • Why you should avoid "false cheerleading"
  • Why making things fun for your children is critical towards their development
  • How to use the practice of "flanking" in leadership
  • How to overcome your own ego when you recognize it

[quote cite='Jocko Willink' align='none']"When you're in a leadership position, what you say matters." Tweet That[/quote]

The Dichotomy of Leadership


The Iron Council

Gentlemen, it's been a while since I've talked about our exclusive brotherhood, The Iron Council. We've been so busy with new shirts and gear, and our events but I do want to let you know that the Council is alive and thriving.

This is a band of brothers (over 430 men) all working to accomplish big things in their marriages, fatherhood, business, and lives in general. If you want to do more than talk about what it means to be a man, and actively work towards becoming the man you're capable of becoming, band with us.

You'll connect with like-minded men and get all the tools, guidance, resources, and direction that comes from having other men who have your back. You can learn more at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

[quote cite='Jocko Willink' align='none']"You build credibility through performance and professionalism in everything you do." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Jocko Willink

[quote cite='Jocko Willink' align='none']"If I let my ego become more than the mission, I've got a problem." Tweet That[/quote]


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