We’ve all heard people say, “You’ve got to pay your dues” or the concept of the 10,000-hour rule. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could skip the line, so to speak, and accelerate the results of your life while everyone else stands in line simply waiting for their turn.
That’s what my guest today, the one and only James Altucher, and I discuss – how to use the concept of 10,000 experiments, not 10,000 hours. We talk about why “stay in your lane” is bad advice, how to become the top 1% in your field much more efficiently, how to become an idea-generating machine, harnessing the power of “idea sex,” and how to creatively add value to others so you can win faster.
[quote cite='James Altucher' align='none']"I think staying in one lane is the fastest route to a boring life." Tweet That[/quote]
Today, I am joined by one of the most interesting guests I’ve had on, Mr. James Altucher. I originally stumbled across his podcast years ago and have since been fascinated with his interesting and unique take on life. It’s men like James that really cause us to consider what is possible that most consider impossible.
James is a trader, investor, previous hedge fund manager, speaker, author, podcast host, business owner, stand-up comedian, Chess master, and so much more. He’s made millions and lost millions multiple times over and has used his interesting and non-conventional approach to life to create meaning, purpose, and significance for himself and millions of others who are inspired by him.
[quote cite='James Altucher' align='none']"The source of much unhappiness is worrying about what people think of you. Don’t get me wrong, I do think about what people think of me, but you have to keep in mind that it’s not the most important thing." Tweet That[/quote]
Men, it’s been a little while since I mentioned our free program called 30 Days to Battle Ready. When you sign up for this program, you’ll unlock access to a series of emails, challenges, and information designed to help you accomplish more in the next 30 days than you potentially have all year.
There are really two major factors that make men successful on any front – a network and a framework.
The network is our exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council, but the framework for success is what you’ll find in the Battle Ready course and if followed to the letter, you will achieve the results you desire this year whether that’s weight loss, strength building, starting a business, salvaging your marriage, or anything else.
You can get signed up at www.orderofman.com/battleready.
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