October 8, 2024

J.R. MARTINEZ | How Your Scars Shape You

Men, we all have scars. Some are visible. Some are not. Some are physical. And, some are mental and emotional. Regardless of the scars you carry around, the stories behind them have the ability to shape you, for better or worse.

My guest today, 101st Airborne Division Combat Veteran,J.R. Martinez, has easily-seen external scars. But rather than use those scars as an excuse to self-destruct, Martinez has, instead, decided to use the stories and the lessons he’s learned on the road to recovery to make himself a better man. Today, J.R. and I talk about deliberately changing your perspective on life, what he calls,“God Winks,”and how to use them effectively in your life, how to get over perceived emasculation and make yourself into more, crafting a new identity for yourself when the old one is ripped from you, and how a man effectively deals with persecution from others

J.R. Martinez

My guest today is J.R. Martinez. He is an Iraq combat veteran and, in 2003 while in Iraq, his Humvee was hit by a roadside bomb and engulfed him in flames inflicting severe burns to over 34% of his body. He spent 34 months and underwent 33 surgeries including skin grafts and cosmetic procedures.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, J.R.decided, instead, he would use his ordeal as fuel to improve not only his own life but the lives of others who were impacted by injuries like his.

He is not only a combat veteran with the 101st Airborne Division, he is incredible speaker working with organizations like Delta and Wells Fargo, but he is a Dancing with the Stars Performer, an actor on All My Children, and a New York Times Bestselling Author of his book, Full of Heart: My Story of Survival, Strength, and Spirit.

Show Highlights

  • Relationship Challenges and Parenthood Success  
  • Journey to Parenthood and Self-Discovery  
  • Setting Boundaries With Overprotective Mothers  
  • Breaking Generational Patterns  
  • Recognizing Signs and Seizing Opportunities  
  • Navigating Life's Challenges and Opportunities  
  • Perspective Shift Through Life's Challenges  
  • Surviving a Traumatic Military Incident  
  • Embracing Hope and Optimism  
  • Overcoming Challenges in Public Eye  
  • Finding Hope Through Unexpected Interactions  
  • Navigating Relationships and Overcoming Trauma  
  • Embracing Imperfections and Growth

New Web Design

When I started this movement in 2015, I built my own website. I didn’t know any different, so I just figured it out. That’s what a man does – figure it out. But over the years, technology advanced and the old ways of doing things were replaced with newer, better, and more efficient.

I’ve known for a long time that we needed to update our website to accurately reflect who we are and what we do – reclaim and restore masculinity.

So, I am happy and proud to announce that we just launched our first website upgrade in over 10 years and my only ask for you today is to go check it out and let us know what you think.

We’ve got some new features and programs available and, soon, we’ll be rolling out some exciting new courses and programs on wealth, marriage, fitness, and so much more. So, go to and see for yourself. And, if you feel inclined, sign up for our Order of Man dispatch so you never miss an announcement on events, courses, programs, and resources that will help you become a better man.

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