May 28, 2024


If we have any hope of saving this great nation, we’re going to have to learn to turn to the generation behind us and equip them with the mindset of truth, righteousness, and individual responsibility. Unfortunately, much of society (including the halls of academia where they spend most of their time) are hellbent on instilling the mindset of relativism, degeneracy, and victimhood.

Today, I’m joined by Harrison Schenck of Save Your Sons to talk about what it’s going to take to turn the tide of culture for our boys who we’ll eventually call on to lead. We talk about the participation trophy generation, the warped conception of what a man is, overcoming the neediness of boys and men, when comparison can serve us, the dangers of “white knighting,” and saving our sons for and from society.

Harrison Schenck

My guest today is someone I’ve been following for quite a while now on Instagram and I’m honored to bring our conversation to you.

His name is Harrison Schenck and he is the founder and operator of the wildly successful Instagram account, Save Your Sons. He is dedicated to reintroducing traditional values to culture and society. And, he is also the co-owner of the family-friendly video, TV, and podcast streaming service Sherwood Kids, and Fatherize where he and other successful entrepreneurs are teaching dads how to start and grow their businesses.


Show Highlights

  • Navigating Authenticity in Online Presence
  • Understanding Masculinity in Modern Society
  • Understanding Masculinity and Modern Relationships
  • Pre-Grieving and Voluntary Hardship
  • Maximizing Potential Through Comparison
  • Importance of Caring What Others Think
  • Legacy, Truth, and Setting Examples
  • Gender Roles and Response Max Rule
  • Men and Women
  • Collaboration for Positive Impact

The Iron Council

I hear from men every single day who want more out of life but they just don’t know how to implement what they already know they should be doing. Men who know what it takes to get fit but can’t seem to do it. Men who have studied every single business book but can’t get their business to take off. Men who know what it takes to have a healthy, thriving relationship but struggle with their wife, kids, and friends.

Knowing that’s the case, something is clearly missing. It isn’t information. We have enough of that. It’s application and unless you have a track to run on and the accountability to ensure you stay on the path, no amount of information is useful.

That’s where the Battle Ready program comes into play. This is a free program that gives you access to the systems and processes for applying what you know for maximum benefit.

Over 30 days, we’re going to equip you with the same tools I’ve used over 20 years in getting fit, building wealth, and living a fulfilling life. Check it out at

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