Finish What You Start
September 12, 2017

130: Finish What You Start | Jon Acuff

If you're anything like me, you are what I refer to as a "starter." I've never been at a loss for figuring out how to start things. Getting things done is a completely different story.

Today I am joined by New York Times Bestselling author, Jon Acuff. If you have a problem with finishing what you start, this is the episode for you and, I'm not going to lie, I needed this one more than most.

We talk about the developing a tolerance for imperfection, why "strategic incompetence" is a powerful tool, how to overcome what Jon calls "noble obstacles," a new spin on SMART goals, and how to finally finish what you started.

[quote cite='Jon Acuff' align='none']"The only way to get better is to be okay with bad, and keep working." Tweet That[/quote]

Jon Acuff

Jon AcuffGuys, I am so stoked to be introducing you to my guest today, Mr. Jon Acuff.

I've read all four of his books and I've been trying to get him on the show for two years. The time finally came with the release of his new book today (if you're listening to this the day it is being released), Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done.

The other books I've read are Do Over, Start, and Quitter. All of which have been instrumental in helping me launch the podcast you're listening to right now.

He's a New York Times Bestselling Author. He's worked with companies like Home Depot, Staples, and The Dave Ramsey Team. He's been featured on CNN, Fox News, and other major media outlets.

This guy is intelligent, he's funny, and he's here to drop some serious knowledge on the art, science, and skill of finishing what you start.

[quote cite='Jon Acuff' align='none']"The day that most people quit is day 2 because that's when the work starts." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • How to develop consistent activity
  • How to develop a tolerance for imperfection
  • The power of cutting your goal in half
  • How to overcome the shame of missing your goals
  • Why "strategic incompetence" is a good thing
  • The lies and excuses we tell ourselves
  • A new spin on SMART goals
  • Overcoming "noble obstacles"
  • How to use data to achieve more
  • The single greatest reason most people never finish

[quote cite='Jon Acuff' align='none']"If you chase your goal with someone else's value system it never works." Tweet That[/quote]


The Iron Council

Gentlemen, let me tell you about our exclusive brotherhood for a quick minute here.

When I began my journey to become a better man 9 years ago, there was no roadmap. There was no track to run on. There was no one to show me how to do it - which is probably why it's taken me 9 years to get to where I am now with a long way to go.

Had I had a roadmap, and the track, and the brothers to help me along my journey, I'm certain I could have sped up the process and, of course, the results that come with it.

So, let's be real, you can do this on your own. I did - for a long time. But, you don't have to. We've created the framework inside the Iron Council that points you in the right directions, distills my hard-fought and hard-learned lessons as well us the other men inside The Council and allow you tap directly into the results we've all experienced.

I want to invite you to join us. You can learn more about what we're up to and claim your seat in the brotherhood at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

[quote cite='Jon Acuff' align='none']"We tend to be all or nothing - it's got to be perfect or we're not going to do it at all." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Jon Acuff

[quote cite='Jon Acuff' align='none']"Sometimes we're so close to our own lies that we can't see them." Tweet That[/quote]


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