Finding Your Tribe
October 29, 2015

Finding Your Tribe (Video)

Thousands of years ago men formed a tribe , teams, and groups primarily for the purpose of protection, survival, and growth.

While some of those reasons still exist today, times have changed and the reason for forming tribes has as well. Regardless of the benefits, surrounding yourself with other men is just as important today as it was thousands of years ago.

Today I'll break down  4 key reasons you need to find your tribe and walk through over a dozen examples of groups you can get involved with.


It's very difficult for us as men to see beyond ourselves. We have a tendency to get consumed in what we're doing (business, exercise, family matters, etc) that we forget to realize that there may be a new and more effective way of doing things.

Surrounding yourselves with men with differing viewpoints, ideas, cultures, and experiences will help you keep your mind from closing to new and successful ideas.


Men tend to have a belief that it's somehow noble or virtuous to go at life alone. It's almost as if it's heroic to overcome trials, hurdles, and obstacles on your own.

The reality is that you need to maintain an attitude of learning in order to be successful. And, what better way to learn a new skill, strategy, or tactic than by surrounding yourself with men who have already done what you are looking to do.

Sure, you may ultimately have to pay for that advice but by finding mentors and coaches in your life will shorten the learning curve and eliminate some of the pitfalls. And, that's hard to put a price tag on.


Let's face it. Life can get monotonous. It can become mundane. It can be boring. Men often use their work schedule or their family life as an excuse to not take care of themselves.

Finding men who enjoy some of the same activities and hobbies you do will help you live a more enjoyable and fulfilled life.

Whether it's spending time on the golf course, heading to the shooting range, or playing basketball with the guys, finding men who uplift you and bring out your competitive spirit will help allow you to be fully present with your other responsibilities in life.


Creating a tribe for the purpose of protection is as important today as it was hundreds and thousands of years ago.

Whether it comes to a natural disaster, stopping a crime, or knowing that somebody is taking care of your family if you're out of town is invaluable.

Forming bands of men who have a clear vision of how to handle themselves in stressful situations and who are willing to team up in an emergency will allow you to keep a bad situation from harming you, your family, or anyone else.

Examples of Tribes to Join or Create

  • Bowling Club
  • Book Club
  • Hiking Group
  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Survival Group
  • 4-Wheeler's Club
  • Hunting Group
  • Rotary
  • Business Network International
  • Sports Team
  • Fishing/Camping Buddies
  • Shooting Club
  • Sporting Events
  • Bloggers/Podcasters Group
  • Workout Partners
  • Obstacle Courses
  • Community Courses
  • College Classes
  • Freemasons
  • Etc.

Obviously this is not an exhaustive list. You don't have to use all of these and you don't have to use any of them. The point is that there are literally thousands of groups, organizations, and tribes that you can participate in.

The key is to put yourself out there and find a group of men who are already doing something that you're interested in. You'll gain new perspectives, develop your skills, live a more fulfilled live, and keep yourself safe.

Yes, times have changed. But the desire and practicality of men banding together is still important and it will continue to be a key component to the success of man for thousands of years.

What clubs, group, organizations, and/or tribes do you belong to? Leave a comment below.


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