Order of Man Episode 334
June 22, 2021

DR. BRIAN RAY | A Primer on Homeschooling

As you may know, we have been homeschooling our children for the last several years and I can say with 100% that taking upon our children’s education has been one of the best decisions we’ve made in parenting. That’s not to say it’s without challenges but it has been an extremely rewarding experience.

Today, I am joined by Dr. Brian Ray, one of the world’s foremost authorities on home-based education and the founder of the National Home Education Research Institute. We cover a broad range of topics here including the stigmas around “homeschooling,” common misconceptions like lack of socialization and parents being unqualified to educate, where and why the world started to move away from schooling at home, the threats to homeschooling, and ultimately why all families, at a minimum, should consider home-based education.

[quote cite='Dr. Brian Ray' align='none']"The reality is, for thousands of years, parent-directed home and family-based education was the norm all over the world." Tweet That[/quote]

Dr. Brian Ray

Dr. Brian Ray

My guest today is Dr. Brian Ray, the founder of the National Home Education Research Institute and one of the world’s foremost authorities on home-based education. As a former middle and high school teacher, Dr. Ray founded the Institute with the goal of researching home-based education and publishing his findings for the benefit of children and their education.

For the last 30 years, he has been a researcher, public speaker, author, and expert court witness. So, needless to say, this man is extremely qualified to talk about the data and science behind homeschooling, the pros, and cons, and how, if interested, to make it work with every family dynamic.

[quote cite='Dr. Brian Ray' align='none']"When you take on and actually execute the duty and responsibility to be in charge of your child's education, you have to grow up as an adult. You can no longer blame anyone else. It all falls right in your lap." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Throwing out the word “homeschooling"
  • Giving children too much authority
  • Using your wisdom to lead children
  • Common homeschool objections
  • Treating children like cattle
  • Conflict management and kids
  • Empowering kids to have a voice
  • A father’s moral obligation
  • The practical application to life
  • The pitfalls to avoid in homeschooling
  • Living a life without social media
  • Getting on board with home education

Legacy Experience

I wanted to bring up the Order of Man Legacy Experience one last time before we shut it down and it sells out.

This is an experience designed to forge a tighter bond between a father (or, father figure) and his boy between the ages of 8-15. Over the course of 3 ½ days, we’re going to challenge you mentally, physically, and emotionally and give you and your son the tools and frameworks needed to thrive in a society that dismisses the relationship between father and son.

You’re going to come to my property here in Maine and surround yourself with 19 other fathers and sons to learn from, work with, and hold each other accountable to building a base from which to usher your young man into manhood.

Get signed up quickly because we only have two spots remaining. The experience is held September 23-26th, 2021 and you can learn more and lock in your spot at www.orderofman.com/legacy.

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    • www.nheri.org



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