dewayne noel
March 14, 2023

DEWAYNE NOEL | Timeless Wisdom in Disturbing Times


It’s been said that there isn’t a whole lot of new information under the sun, just new ways of saying it. I don’t know if that’s necessarily true but one thing I know is that my guest today shares some of the most practical and life-transforming messages out there. And, he does it in a way that cuts through the noise and nonsense of modern times.

His name is Dewayne Noel and he is the founder of Dry Creek Wrangler School. Today, Dewayne and I talk about the power of genuineness, building yourself into a person you like, not hate, why the “right to be wrong” is so powerful and liberating, dealing with insecurities, operating in reality, the concept of “cowboy energy,” and other timeless wisdom in disturbing times.

[quote cite='Dewayne Noel' align='none']"Maybe folks can tell that I actually care." Tweet That[/quote]

Dewayne Noel

My guest today is someone I recently came across on social media and I can tell you that I immediately resonated with his timeless wisdom and short, punchy messages that have gone extremely viral in a short amount of time. His name is Dewayne Noel.

Dewayne has been living what he calls the “horse life” for 25 years and is the founder of Dry Creek Wrangler School. But what you may recognize him for is what millions of others have now seen – his no-nonsense, commonsense commentary and approach to life. And, I think the reason he’s gone viral is in large part to the void of patriarchs in society today. You’re going to see what I mean!


[quote cite='Dewayne Noel' align='none']"We have the right to be wrong." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Why a simple, timeless message resonates so strongly
  • Sometimes you have to change how you are sharing the message in order to be effective
  • Change starts with us
  • We have to get to the point where we like ourselves
  • Cost/benefit analysis of relationships in our life
  • Loyalty is not a one-way street
  • Staying loyal to the “idea” of a relationship can be destructive
  • The market determines what is valuable
  • Rodeo energy vs. cowboy energy

The Wait is Over

Gents, the wait is over. Tomorrow morning, we’re opening back up on exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council. If you’re not familiar with what we do, the Iron Council is a powerful resource of over 1,400 men all working together to improve their lives.

When you band with us, you’re going to unlock access to these men, the tools and resources you need to thrive, and the accountability that so many of us want but lack so badly.

We’re only going to be open for a short time so if you’re ready to step up to the challenge and drastically improve every area of life, now is the time. I know first-hand how powerful this brotherhood can be and have relied heavily on the men in my own challenging times in life.

Join us now at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

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