It seems to me that we’re, collectively, waking up from a decades-long slumber as Americans. Maybe it’s that we can’t stand to see the direction of the country or, perhaps, it’s a pure level of disdain and animosity towards our elected officials. Either way, it’s good to see us getting more interested and involved than we have the in the past.
My guest today, host of the Citizen Podcast and The Drinkin’ Bros Podcast, Dan Hollaway joins me to talk about not only our rights as citizens but our obligations and responsibilities. We talk about what it means to be a good citizen, why we seem to get the worst of our people in politics, how to change the tide of American politics and culture through “State Nullification,” why there are no rights without associated responsibilities, and the power of and ways men can get involved.
My guest today is Dan Hollaway, a former Airborne Infantryman in the Army who went on to work with Black Rifle Coffee serving veterans and communities around the world in both capacities.
He is also the host of the wildly popular podcast, The Drinkin’ Bros as well as Citizen Podcast where he discusses all sorts of political and cultural issues that impact every single American today. His no-nonsense, very pragmatic approach to societal topics has earned him the respect of his millions of followers and fans.
I know you guys are likely getting tired of me telling you that you need other men in your corner. Well, it’s true and I hope that you’ll change things up in your life if you’re not getting what you desire out of the limited amount of time we have here on this earth.
What you need is men you can ask advice from, share your own knowledge and wisdom with, and men who will give you the motivation and push you might need to get you to that next summit of your life. These are also guys who will celebrate with you when you win. And, help pick you back up when you don’t.
Join us now. We’re closing the doors soon!
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