Capitalism and Masculinity
August 26, 2016

FFN 018: Capitalism and Masculinity

It is critical you, as a man, wrap your head around the idea of capitalism. If you don’t, you won't have the ability to provide as much value as you should - value for yourself, your family, and the world.

Transcript - Capitalism and Masculinity

Men, what is going on today! My name is Ryan Michler and I am the host and founder of Order of Man. If you’re new to the show today, you need to understand this is our short show released each Friday. It’s my rambling, my thoughts, and my lessons learned throughout the week. I keep it short, to the point, and full of action steps you can execute starting today to help you be a better man.

We also have an interview show where we’re interviewing the world’s baddest, most successful, toughest, smartest men, delve into their stories of tragedy and triumph, extract the lessons, and bring them to your earbuds.

So, with that said, make sure you subscribe to the Order of Man podcast so you never miss a single Friday Field Notes or our interview show released on Tuesday.

Now, let’s get to this episode today: Capitalism and Masculinity.

Now, I called it that because if I called it Economics 101 you would have deleted it from your feed. But, stick with me here on this guys. You have to hear this message. It is critical you wrap your head around capitalism because, if you don’t, you just aren’t going to be able to provide as much value in this world as you otherwise would be. I’m talking about value for yourself, value for your family, value for your community, and value to the world.

I don’t want this to be a political conversation although we’re in the midst of the United States Presidential Election as of this recording. That’s a topic for another day. This is simply a discussion about value. That’s it – value. And, yes, I am using what some of you might believe to be a swear word – capitalism.

It’s actually pretty sad that this word has gotten such a bad rap because the system of capitalism has done more good, it’s cured more illness, it’s lifted more people out of poverty, and it’s increased the standard of living for more people across the planet than any other system known to man. Period.

Does it have its problems? Of course. Can it be manipulated? Of course. Can it be taken advantage of? Of course.

But tell me what system doesn’t have those downsides. Communism? Socialism? Tyranny?

Alright, so let’s talk about what this even means. Before you worry about me pulling out the dictionary to explain the technicalities of capitalism let me say that I’m going to break this down into language we can all understand.

Capitalism is, at its most basic level, a system designed to allow for the practice of volunteering trading of resources. Someone has what I want. I have what they want (also known as capital) and we AGREE to trade. That’s it. There is nothing more to it although the media and big business would try to have you believe something else.

If the definition of capitalism I just gave you and masculinity don’t go hand in hand, I don’t know what does.

Each and every one of you listening to this podcast right now is great at something. I’m great at certain things. I’m not great at others. If I can tap into what you’re good at without having to exert an lot of time, energy, and resources and you can tap into what I’m good at without exerting a lot of time, energy, and resources, don’t we both win?

That’s what this is all about win-win situations. Situations in which we’re ALL better off. In the days of dinosaurs and cavemen, if you knew how to build a fire, wouldn’t it be cool if you would show me and in return and appreciation I could show you how to do something you don’t know how to do – like slay a saber-tooth tiger?

Boom, capitalism!

Today, you might know how to draft plans for a house and I might now how to build the house. BOOM! We both win. Get it?

This is not a bad system. This is a great system. And, it promotes enterprise, creativity, innovation, and a ton more.

Here’s where it gets tricky – money! This little green piece of paper that has no value beside what we, collectively, place in it. It’s amazing to me how much this little piece of paper has the ability to permeate every emotion we, as human beings, are capable of expressing.

But, here’s the deal. Money is not bad. Money is not good. It’s paper people. Would you pull a piece of paper out of your printer and blame it for all the unfortunate events that have happened in your life? No, of course not.

Money is simple a medium that you and I agree on to trade with. Why? Because it’s easier. Let me explain this.

Let’s go back to this other example I was using of building a house. I know how to draft plans to build that house. So, I agree to do that for you because you want a new house. Now, you know how to build a house so you want to trade services with me. Well, I don’t want a new house. I’m comfortable with where I am. Our house is big enough. We like the schools. We like the neighborhood. So, I guess the deal is off, right?

Without an agreed upon system of exchange, yes it would be. But, instead of breaking the deal off, you agree to give me a set amount money - which is something we both agree upon my services of drafting your house is worth.

Now, I take that money, and I go give it to John who know how to build pools for homeowners which is what I really wanted.

I’m happy, you’re happy, John is happy. Win-win-win.

So, what does this have to do with masculinity? Everything!

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know that part of masculinity is about PROVIDING – for yourself, for your family, and for those you care about.

There is absolutely no better system for the exchanging of value and the ability to provide than the system of capitalism.

See, capitalism thrives on voluntary exchange between two parties. You and I have to AGREE on the value of our services or nothing happens. If you don’t agree on the value of my services, you don’t buy.

I know have two choices, take my services somewhere else or give you more value.

This is why I want to rage when I hear grown men complain about minimum wage. No one is forcing you to work at McDonald’s. No one is forcing you to charge less than you should for your services. That’s all on you!

Don’t like what you’re being paid, take your services (in this case, your time and energy) somewhere else OR, even better, build your skills, offer more value, or gain new knowledge. Then you can charge more and make more.

Yes, masculinity is about PROVIDING but it’s also about personal responsibility. There is no better system that rewards men for personal responsibility. There is no better system that allows for new ideas, concepts, and innovation. There is no better system in which you get rewarded OR not for the work YOU do, or lack thereof. There is no better system in which a man gets compensated for putting in a man’s effort.

So, next time someone says, “You’re in it for the money,” say, “thank you,” because money is a representation of value, and there’s nothing manlier than being valuable!

If you want to learn more about these concepts and more, join us inside our elite mastermind, The Iron Council. This week we’re talking about all things wealth building which ties in perfectly with my conversation with you today.

The Iron Council is designed to help you identify objectives and tactics in four key areas of your life. We’ll help you articulate a vision for the future, identify the actions you need to take to get there, and hold you accountable to doing it. You can learn more at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

Remember guys, being valuable and, therefore, making money, providing for yourself, your family, and your loved one is manly.

I’ll look forward to talking with you next week but, until then, take action and live manfully!


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