Building Your Memory Muscle
February 23, 2016

OoM 049: Building Your Memory Muscle with Anthony Metivier

We've all had the awkward experience where we needed to remember someone's name and couldn't. Or perhaps you've been prepping for a speech, interview, or presentation and you just can't remember that story you wanted to share.

My guest today, Mr. Anthony Metivier teaches us the techniques and strategies for building better memories - a skill all of us can enhance to be more credible, effective, and influential in our lives.

[quote cite='Anthony Metivier' align='none']"You won't get as much out of memory techniques if you don't have a well-hydrated brain." Tweet That[/quote]

Meet Anthony Metivier

Anthony MetivierBestselling author Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, dreams, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Anthony creates memory training for a variety of people who need help with a number of different memory needs.

But, what separates him from other authors on memory skills and development is that he doesn't focus on long strings of digits or training for memory championships.

He offers simple techniques for memorizing information that will change your daily life for the better. There's no hype in his trainings, just techniques that work.

[quote cite='Anthony Metivier' align='none']"Our chemical status can be lined up to give us a boost in recall and memory." Tweet That[/quote]

What You'll Be Learning

    • The practical application of memory skills
    • The best way to memorize people's names
    • How memorization works and how to to implement it in your life
    • Different memory types and styles
    • The most effective strategies for memorizing more information
    • How to use the "Memory Palace" to your advantage
    • How to memorize a deck of cards

[quote cite='Anthony Metivier' align='none']"To memorize more, you're going to take information you don't know and associate it with what you do know." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Anthony Metivier


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