Building a Tribe
April 13, 2018

Building a Tribe, Developing Confidence, and the Drive for Better

On this week's Friday Field Notes I answer questions from the men in our Facebook Group:

  • How do you find a new tribe when the current tribe becomes complacent?
  • What is the best way to build a new network when you have moved across country/state and you truly don't know anyone?
  • What are some of the best methods for instituting discipline in your life when you've formed a habit of being undisciplined?
  • With your financial background, what do you think most people should be doing with any extra money they have (savings, investments, etc.)?
  • When building confidence, especially in this world, how do you grow more confident in sharing the parts of your life that you’re NOT proud of so that others can learn from your mistakes?
  • Do you have any advice on helping sons (11yrs) deal with their anger in an appropriate manner instead of lashing out?
  • How do you keep your self-improvement momentum going when life's tasks and responsibilities kick into overdrive for a while and you just want to take a break?
  • How do you get to a place where you can keep your self from sliding back into a rut?


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