bert sorin
December 5, 2023

BERT SORIN | Why Delusionally Passionate Men Win


Passion and delusion aren’t two terms we often think of working in harmony but my good friend and guest today, Bert Sorin, makes the case that some of the most successful people in the world are not only the most passionate but often believe (with no valid reason to) that they have what it takes to succeed.

Today, we talk about the ebbs and flows of life and improving the average between the two points, creating intentionality behind our actions, why EQ is oftentimes more important than IQ, holding back in life when we shouldn’t, and so much more.

[quote cite='Bert Sorin' align='none']"You better make people feel something, one way or another." Tweet That[/quote]

Bert Sorin

bert sorin

Bert Sorin is the President and co-owner of Sorinex Exercise Equipment which produces some of the most amazing exercise equipment you’ll ever see and outfits organizations like the Vikings, Oregon Ducks, University of North Carolina, and the Atlanta Braves to name a few.

He is also a 4-time Division 1 All-American Track and Field athlete, former record holder in Weight Throw, and Olympic trial participant. But more than that, Bert has become a good friend and is an incredible human being. He has the ability to connect with incredible people unlike anyone I’ve ever seen which is a testament to who this man is.

Today, through his company, they are transforming the way college and professional athletes, veterans, and everyday people like you and me approach their health and fitness goals, and lives.

Show Highlights

  • The ebbs and flows of life and improving the average between the two points
  • Creating intentionality behind our actions
  • Why EQ is often more important than IQ
  • Holding back in life when we shouldn’t
  • Thinking in advance
  • Rather than thinking “what can this give me today”, think “what can it give when I’m gone”.
  • Putting in the effort
  • Where you start doesn’t matter

Iron Council

Gentlemen, the Iron Council opens up again next week and I cannot wait to have you guys band with us.

The men who do tap into a powerful brotherhood of camaraderie and accountability in a way that produces real results in every facet of their lives. And, when you band with us, you’re going to get the systems you need to crush 2024 unlike you have at any other point in your life.

We’ve seen thousands of men improve their marriages, get strong and fit, grow their business and bank accounts, start businesses, and improve their fulfillment and satisfaction in life. I know you can too.

Join us at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

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