Cal Newport Craftsman
May 31, 2016

OoM 063: Approaching Work Like a Craftsman with Cal Newport

If you're anything like me, there never seems to be enough time in the day. When looking back, you know you were busy but what did you actually get done?!

My guest today, Cal Newport, author of Deep Work, makes the case that most of us are participating in what he calls "shallow work," which is why most of us are busy but not productive. We talk about the power of going deep in your work, why you should be approaching your work like a craftsman, and how to to live a more efficient, productive, and satisfying life.

[quote cite='Cal Newport' align='none']"Deep work is the activity of focusing without distraction for a long amount of time on a cognitively demanding task." Tweet That[/quote]

Cal Newport

Cal Newport

Cal Newport is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University, who specializes in the theory of distributed algorithms. He previously earned his Ph.D. from MIT in 2009 and graduated from Dartmouth College in 2004.

In addition to studying the theoretical foundations of our digital age as a professor, Newport also writes about the impact of these technologies on the world of work. This is what he is going to be talking with us about today.

His most recent book, Deep Work, Cal argues that focus is the new I.Q. in the knowledge economy, and that individuals who cultivate their ability to concentrate without distraction will thrive.

Cal Newport is also the author of three other books of unconventional advice for students: How to be a High School Superstar, How to be a Straight A Student, and How to Win at College. The How To student series has sold over well over 150,000 copies since its inception, and Newport has been invited to speak on these topics at some of the country’s top universities, including Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Dartmouth, Middlebury, Georgetown and Duke.

Today he is here to talk about how to be more productive and efficient, and why incorporating the DEEP LIFE is paramount to your success.

[quote cite='Cal Newport' align='none']"Deep work is an immensely productive and satisfying activity." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

      • What does it mean to do "Deep Work"
      • The common distractions that get in the way of deep work
      • An understanding of the MYTH of multi-tasking
      • The destructive power of "attention residue"
      • How to determine the deep work you should pursue
      • Who should and should not pursue Deep Work
      • How to identify the ratio of deep work vs shallow work needed in your line of work
      • How to develop the skill of doing Deep Work
      • Three categories of skills you'll need to incorporate into living the Deep Life

[quote cite='Cal Newport' align='none']"If you can produce something at a high level that people value, you get to write your own ticket." Tweet That[/quote]

Link and Resources Mentioned

Iron Council - Order of Man Elite Mastermind


Connect with Cal Newport

[quote cite='Cal Newport' align='none']"If you don't have a craft, you're going to be automated, outsourced, or replaced." Tweet That[/quote]


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