Approaching Women
May 3, 2016

An Insider's Look Into Approaching Women with Sarah Jones

Approaching an attractive woman. Some of us cringe at the thought of having to put ourselves out there like that. But my guest today, and the very first woman to join us on the Order of Man Podcast shares with us how we can approach women naturally by being more of ourselves.

She’s also going to share some of her insider secrets, what women are truly looking for in a man, and how you can be comfortable around the opposite sex.

[quote cite='Sarah Jones' align='none']"To me, "Alpha" means benevolent bad-ass." Tweet That[/quote]

Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones

Men, I'm excited to introduce my guest to you today not only because she's going to share some valuable tools and ideas you can use to approach more women but because she, herself, is a woman.

Which means, she's going to give us the insider secrets into what women are truly looking for in a man.

Sarah Jones is the founder of Introverted Alpha. Her goal is to help smart, introverted men attract women naturally.

She's been featured in Cosmo, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Ask Men, Men's Health, and a whole lot more.

Sarah is best known for helping men use their natural strengths to attract women, without having to use tricks or be someone they’re not.

[quote cite='Sarah Jones' align='none']"Social fluency is a skill NOT a personality." Tweet That[/quote]

What You'll Be Learning

    • What it actually means to be an "introvert"
    • The difference between shyness and introversion
    • How an introvert can be a "bad-ass"
    • What women are really looking for in a man
    • How to be more of yourself around women
    • How to determine the standards you are looking for in women
    • The importance of physical attraction when finding a potential partner
    • How to decipher mixed signals

[quote cite='Sarah Jones' align='none']"Power comes from feeling good in your own skin. You love yourself and you love women." Tweet That[/quote]

Link and Resources Mentioned


[quote cite='Sarah Jones' align='none']"Where as men want to be admired, women want to be adored." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Sarah Jones


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