Today, I wanted to share with you a little bit about the power of a code of conduct for the way in which you operate in your life. This is actually an excerpt from my new book coming out in February titled, Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men. If you’re interested in knowing when this is available, head to
I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to get this book in your hands. It’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster completing it and we’re only two weeks or so away from making it available to you. In it, I cover the battle all of us, as men are fighting, the mission we have in being here, the code of conduct in which we ought to consider adhering to in our lives, and a very specific planning strategy called the Battle Plan which will help you produce big results in your life.
I hope that you enjoy this brief section. If you want to know when the book is available, head to where you can download the introductory chapter and sign up to be notified when the book goes live.
Again, I can wait to get this in your hands. I know it’s going to change lives and it’s been such a rewarding process for me to go through.
This movement would not be nearly what it is today without you tuning in each and every week and sharing the message of the Order. Until next week, take action, and become the man you are meant to be.
Free tools, tactics and techniques to help you be the man you were meant to be.