A Man of Style
January 24, 2017

097: A Man of Style | Antonio Centeno

Style, although it is so often overlooked, really is a critical component of helping you become a better man. More often that not, the way you look and the way you show up says a lot to other people about who you are.

My guest today, Antonio Centeno with Real Men, Real Style, shares with us how important style is, the benefits of improving the way you look, what core components you should consider when improving your wardrobe, and how you can become a man of style.

[quote cite='Antonio Centeno' align='none']"When you like the way you look, you feel like a million bucks. People notice that confidence." Tweet That[/quote]

Antonio Centeno

Antonio CentenoI initially came across Antonio’s work with Real Men, Real Style as I was considering launching Order of Man in early 2015.

And since then, I’ve been able to build a relationship and friendship with him. This man knows a ton about style and fashion – and not just clothing – but the psychology of increasing your style, body language, manners and mannerisms, and just about anything else that will help you increase your overall presence in the world.

He is the founder of Real Men, Real Style, like I previously mentioned, and has over 1,000,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. We talk about it a little in the show but he’s got over 700 vidoes there and literally thousands of articles, videos, and courses that will help you understand how clothing fits into the conversation of masculinity.

He is also the co-founder of Men’s StyleCon along with Aaron Marino with I Am Alpha M. We do talk a little about that during the show but it is definitely something you should consider attending if you really want to become a man of style.

[quote cite='Antonio Centeno' align='none']"A man has to have a strong core - he has to stand for something." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Why style is an important component of masculinity
  • How style can be used to let others know who you are
  • The importance of fit, fabric, and function
  • How to find your unique style
  • The benefits of consistency in your style
  • What factors to consider outside of clothing
  • Commonly overlooked elements of style
  • How improving your style increases your attraction level and makes you more money

[quote cite='Antonio Centeno' align='none']"Nothing worth having in life is going to be handed to you." Tweet That[/quote]

Resources Mentioned

[quote cite='Antonio Centeno' align='none']"Have the courage to be the best-dressed man in the room." Tweet That[/quote]

The Iron Council


The Iron Council is our exclusive mastermind reserved for the men who are willing to DO more than they’re willing to TALK about becoming a better man.

Starting next week, we’re going to be talking about forgings strong relationships. This is critical as you are on a journey to become the best man you can be.

We’re going to give you the tools, the resources, the guidance, the direction, and, most importantly, the accountability to help you build strong relationships with friends (band of brothers), kids, girlfriend or wife, colleagues, and anyone else you may be interacting with on a daily basis.

If you are ready to take your life to the next level, join the 220+ men inside The Council and surround yourself with other men who want to succeed and are willing to do what it takes to ensure they do.

You can learn more and join forces with us at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil. I hope to see you inside.

[quote cite='Antonio Centeno' align='none']"Improving your style will increase your attraction levels and you're going to make more money." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Antonio Centeno

[quote cite='Antonio Centeno' align='none']"You don't see the opportunities you're missing when you betray people's expectations." Tweet That[/quote]


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