So many men out there are unhappy with the direction or course of their life. But, I can tell you personally there has no greater move I could have made in my own life than to start my own businesses.
The lessons I've learned, the progress I've made, and the life that I have created cannot have been duplicated living any other way.
Today my guest, Tom Reber, shares with us the 5 most important reasons you should consider starting a business, the bare minimums you'll need to get started, and how you can take ownership of your life through entrepreneurship.
[quote cite='Tom Reber' align='none']"When you own your business, you are 100% taking your future into your own hands." Tweet That[/quote]
Meet Tom Reber
Men, I'm excited to introduce you to my guest today, Tom Reber.
Tom is an entrepreneur and the founder of Strongpreneur Nation.
Strongpreneur Nation is for entrepreneurs who are committed to creating strong lives & strong businesses. He teaches men how to get things done, deal with head trash, get back their time, and build a company their customers will love.
As you'll hear in the interview today, Tom takes a no-nonsense approach to business, entrepreneurship and life.
[quote cite='Tom Reber' align='none']"In order to succeed in business you have to have a lot of growth personally." Tweet That[/quote]
What You'll Be Learning
- 5 most important reasons for men to start a business
- 4 core concepts to learn as you start a business
- The bare minimums you need to start a business
- How to generate new ideas for entrepreneurship
- If you should follow your passion or just get to work
- How to set prices as a new entrepreneur
- The Strongpreneur Pledge
[quote cite='Tom Reber' align='none']"You don't have a business unless you have a need to meet and a customer." Tweet That[/quote]
- Respect
- Clarity
- Consistency
- Money Mindset
[quote cite='Tom Reber' align='none']"Make their experience so mind-blowing that they measure all future transactions by that." Tweet That[/quote]
Connect with Tom Reber
[quote cite='Tom Reber' align='none']"If it's important to me, I'll find a way. If not, I'll find an excuse." Tweet That[/quote]