men are Providers
February 2, 2018

Men are Providers

Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man

FFN 093: Men are Providers

Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man         Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man        
FFN 093: Men are Providers           FFN 093: Men are Providers          
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    Men are providers. Period. And, there's more than one way for us to provide: Financial, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Today, I share an excerpt from my new book, Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men, regarding how we, as men, can step more fully into our calling to provide for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

    If you enjoy this excerpt, I ask that you consider picking up a copy of my new book, Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men. And, if you already have, please leave us an Amazon review so we can get the message of masculine sovereignty out to the world.

    Enjoy the excerpt.


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