May 9, 2023

MATTHEW VINCENT | You're Not Dead Yet


All of us have heard from men who wonder if it’s too late to start in life. Many of them believe they may have missed the one shot they had to make something of themselves, or they’ve “wasted” too much of their lives. My guest today, Founder of Not Dead Yet, Matthew Vincent, makes the case that it’s never too late to start as long as there is air in your lungs and blood pumping through your heart.

Today, we have an extremely fascinating discussion on so many different topics including several we don’t see eye to eye on. Specifically, we talk about the scarcity vs. abundant mindset, the value of hate and love, the dangers in the “hedonic treadmill,” connecting with others as a powerful motive for overcoming destructive behavior, and the immense liberty found in becoming completely aware of yourself.

[quote cite='Matthew Vincent' align='none']"Whatever you get used to becomes your fixed point." Tweet That[/quote]


david meessen

My guest today is the Founder of Not Dead Yet apparel company and two-time highland games champion, Matthew Vincent. Most of us have a preconceived notion of how athletes show up off the field. You’re going to hear why those preconceived notions aren’t’ always correct as you’ll be listening to a man who is extremely thoughtful, introspective, and contemplated more about life and his position in it than most others.

He's travelled the world extensively and has been introduced to so many people and cultures that it has opened his mind the possibility that he is right about so few things and given him a perspective that most of us find hard to grasp. Enjoy!


[quote cite='Matthew Vincent' align='none']"Your pursuit of happiness doesn’t allow you to be an asshole." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Hating yourself vs. loving yourself
  • We don’t pick our starting point
  • Pleasure vs. fulfillment and the hedonic treadmill
  • Appreciating the ability to choose our passions
  • People are the solution and the problem
  • Shared responsibility in understanding communication
  • Using and understanding psychedelics
  • Knowing how to use substances as tools to serve you
  • Need to program time to relax
  • Body dysmorphia and transgenderism
  • We need to be able to question things
  • We are responsible for what we expose ourselves to
  • We need to be intentional with how we spend our energy

Twelve-Week Battle Planners

Men, you’ve heard me talk a lot about the need for and importance of planning but so few of us know exactly what that looks like. I struggled with it for a long time and, with all the planners available, it’s hard to know which one works best. Every system I ran across had its pros and cons.

That’s why we created the Twelve-Week Battle Planner. We took the best elements of other planners, left the rest, and have been evolving our systems for the last 8 years to create a tool that you will use daily to produce maximum results.

If you’re ready to buy the last planner you’ll ever need, head to www.orderofman.com/TWBP.

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