lucas botkin
December 7, 2021

LUCAS BOTKIN | Building a Firearms Empire

I’ve got an incredible guest today. His name is Lucas Botkin and he is the founder of T. Rex Arms, a firearm accessory manufacturing company. But this conversation took an early turn away from firearms and more into how to build a thriving business using the power of social media.

But don’t worry, we still talk about firearms stuff – night vision, optics, body armor, training, etc. But even if you’re not into firearms, we have some topics for you including the power of money, how to manage people correctly, human psychology, making a stand for something, building customer relationships, and how to build a firearms (or any other type) of empire.

[quote cite='Lucas Botkin' align='none']"Money is something that should not be seen as a bad thing." Tweet That[/quote]

Lucas Botkin

Lucas Botkin

My guest today is Lucas Botkin, the founder of T. Rex Arms.

He started his business making and selling Kydex holsters and has since grown his business to over 80 employees. He reaches over 2,000,000 people through his social media channels and has an incredible marketing and business mind. You’re going to hear a lot of that in this conversation.

I’ve been following for years because of his proficiency with firearms and what I’ve learned but this conversation goes so much deeper than that. Enjoy.


[quote cite='Lucas Botkin' align='none']"We don’t treat our social media like a sales platform." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • You don’t have to have everything figured out by age 20
  • You can do what you enjoy AND make a lot of money
  • Shifting focus from the product to the people
  • Working with coaches and mentors
  • Building trust through social media presence
  • Why companies have public relations issues
  • An effective strategy to build brand loyalty
  • Making time for personal development
  • Trends of the firearms community in 2022
  • Protecting businesses during “peaceful” protests
  • Maintaining professionalism in appearance and behavior
  • Being an ambassador for the gun ownership community
  • Demonstrating competence to new gun owners

[quote cite='Lucas Botkin' align='none']"Anything you do as a gun owner is going to affect how people around you see all gun owners." Tweet That[/quote]

Iron Council

The Iron Council is officially open, gents. And, if you’re not familiar with what the Iron Council is, consider it your band of brothers.

These are over 1,000 men who all have your back on your own journey. And, not only are they on their own journey, we have found that they understand that the more they want out of their own experience in the Iron Council, the more they’re willing to give.

So, if you’re ready to blow up in 2022, join us inside the Iron Council Registration is going to be open for a few more days then we’re closing it down until the spring of 2022. You can join us at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

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