Order of Man Podcast Episode 314
February 2, 2021

EVAN HAFER | A Conversation Amongst Men

Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man

EVAN HAFER | A Conversation Amongst Men

Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man         Ryan Michler: Family Man, Business Owner, Founder of Order of Man        
EVAN HAFER | A Conversation Amongst Men           EVAN HAFER | A Conversation Amongst Men          
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    You know, I’ve spent the last six years trying to formulate the perfect conversation and keep it within a certain topic. But the more I have conversations with incredible guests like mine today, the more I realize that a real conversation goes where it goes and isn’t confined to a particular topic.

    So, when I had the opportunity to sit down with Evan Hafer, founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company, I realized there was tremendous value in letting the conversation go where it wanted to go. We talked about archery, his recent controversy with both the right and left side of the political spectrum, how to lead and manage well, racism, pop culture, and just about everything in between.

    [quote cite='Evan Hafer' align='none']"Depending on the situation, you have to learn to apply communication differently. You may have to say the same thing 3 different ways 3 different times…once you’ve exhausted all those and still can’t get through, you have to ask “am I the problem with this communication?" Tweet That[/quote]

    Evan Hafer

    Evan Hafer

    My guest today is the one and only Evan Hafer. Of course, you likely know that he is the founder and CEO of the leading Veteran-Owned coffee roastery, Black Rifle Coffee Company.

    But he’s also a former Green Beret and a hardened badass. I had the opportunity to sit down with Evan at his ranch in San Antonio and although I’m sure there are preconceived notions about who he is, this man is a marketing genius and has, in a period of six years grown his company from roasting coffee out of the back of a Humvee to an international brand that employs over 400 people - many of who are United States Combat Veterans.

    I think you gentlemen are going to dig this conversation that we, fortunately, got to do in-person on his ranch in Texas. I enjoyed the hell out of this conversation. You will too.

    [quote cite='Evan Hafer' align='none']"You have to give people the skills and opportunity to succeed. You also can’t eat their lunch when they fail because then they will be afraid to fail." Tweet That[/quote]

    Show Highlights

    • Getting into archery
    • Fist adaptive athlete archery shoot
    • Struggling in business
    • Trying not to focus on the negative
    • Getting through trauma
    • The ego-driven mentality
    • Applying communication differently
    • Dictators Vs. Leaders
    • The “Mr. Nice Guy”
    • Having productive arguments
    • Communicating your brand
    • Protecting free speech at all cost
    • Big governments “one size fits all” solution
    • The path of least resistance
    • Adding value to other men
    • Being the maximum version of yourself
    • Flexing the creative muscles
    • Earning confidence 
    • Recalling the miserable times
    • Improving things locally 
    • And so much more...

    [quote cite='Evan Hafer' align='none']"It makes me sick to my stomach to hear anti-law enforcement rhetoric when I know guys who have already served this country and are now being criticized from all sides." Tweet That[/quote]

    Crafting the Perfect Day

    Gentlemen, inside the Iron Council, for the month of February, we’re going to talking about and challenging each other to create and formulate our perfect day.

    Of course, “the perfect day,” is subjective but we’re going to be holding each other accountable for the entire month to testing and experimenting with systems, strategies, tools, and resources to maximize each day to its fullest – from the time we wake up, to the way we go about our duties, to the way we cap the day to carry momentum over to the next.

    The reality is that each of us can squeeze more productivity out of every hour that we have and it’s our goal inside the Iron Council to show you how to do exactly that through accountability, teaching, instruction, and brotherhood.

    You can learn more and join us inside the Iron Council at

    Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready.

    Join our exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council.

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    Connect with Evan Hafer


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