Drafting Your Manifesto
April 29, 2015

Drafting Your Manifesto

In a world that tries to blur the line of morality, it's more important than ever for men to have a guide, a benchmark, a MANifesto. This MANifesto should be a set of principles each man has committed to live by day in and day out.

We, as men, will be tested everyday. Our resolve will be questioned. Our morality will be tried. Our virtues, mocked. The question that remains is will we hold fast and firm to the beliefs we hold dear.

In many moments throughout our lives, we will be presented with the opportunity to cheat, to steal, to lie, to shortcut, to step out on our wives. What you do in those moments will determine the kind of man you are and will become.

[quote cite='John Wooden']“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching."[/quote]

Men, we are human. We cannot rely on our judgement in the heat of the moment to guide us to make correct choices. We must decide today how we will act tomorrow.

In an attempt to set the benchmark for how I will live my life, I have written the following MANifesto. This is a work in progress and you will see periodic updates to it as I continue to learn and evolve into the man I want to be.

It is my hope that you will use this MANifesto as a guide to create your own. Contemplate what is important to you. Think about what type of man you are striving to become. Use this time to decide how you will live your life.

I am a man.

There is more to me than simply being male. I believe that I must EARN the right to call myself a man. It is this belief that fuels my ambition and my tenacity. I will become a better, stronger person.

I may be rough around the edges. Rigid. Hardened. Strong. But, there is a side of me unseen by many: compassionate, caring, and kind.

In a world where morality and virtue are rejected, I dedicate myself to honor, integrity, courage, and wisdom. I rise up to the thought that the world needs me more than ever.

I commit myself to a life of effort. I will lead from the front and strive to set myself apart as an example to those who are looking to me for guidance and direction.

I live my life on my terms. I am fiercely independent and self-reliant. I cherish the freedom that comes from the belief that my choices are mine and mine alone. When I succeed, I do so with my head held high. When I fail, I lift myself out of the dust and try again. I am not easily deterred.

I am my own man but accepting of a helping hand. And, because I have faith that others will be there for me, it is my duty to search for opportunities to assist my fellow man.

I am driven by a purpose larger than my own self-interests. While I may pursue many noble endeavors, my highest priorities are my faith, my family, and my country.

I am not motivated by recognition or praise but I do understand that I will be rewarded handsomely for my discipline and dedication to living in accordance with my MANifesto.

I am proud to call myself a man!

Alright guys, it's your turn. Let me know what you think. Take some time to write you own MANifesto. When you do, share it with me. I want to know what you're all about.


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