Jason McCarthy
September 29, 2020

Building a Business, Building a Life | JASON MCCARTHY

So many of you listening have entrepreneurial aspirations. But if you’re anything like I have been in the past, you may be thinking to yourself, “Who am I to start a business?”

Frankly, who are you not to?

Each and every man listening to this has a set of skills, insights, perspectives, and value to add to the world. It wasn’t until I realized this that Order of Man really started to take off. I think my guest, Jason McCarthy, founder of GoRuck would likely agree. He didn’t know that, when he was building GoRuck, he’d also be building his life but that’s what he discovered. Today, we talk about ignorance and education, when to throw in the towel and when to drive on, respecting and honoring your roots, being present in the moment, and how to build a life by building a business.

[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"Technology is here to stay so we have to learn to live with it. We can’t let it overrule us." Tweet That[/quote]

Jason McCarthy


My guest today is former Army Special Forces Green Beret and the founder of GoRuck, Jason McCarthy.

Jason is one of the realest and most down-to-earth men, especially considering he’s been wildly successful in both the military and as he’s grown GoRuck into an international business.

He is also the author of his newest book, How Not to Start a Backpack Company, where he documents his own personal victories and struggles in both his professional and personal life and shares stories of personal hardships and relationship challenges on his quest to build a life he can be proud of.

[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"If you want to be a shark, you can’t be a bottom feeder all day long." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • Turning into cyborgs
  • A world at odds
  • Stop living online
  • Flipping the switch
  • Building a business
  • Taking responsibility
  • Traveling cross-country
  • Living in ignorance
  • A labor of love
  • Throwing in the towel
  • The most important part
  • Building overseas

[quote cite='Jason McCarthy' align='none']"I want to set a good example and make the guys I serve with proud." Tweet That[/quote]

Order of Man Merchandise

Gentlemen, I’ve had a goal for years now to start my own apparel company and, although, we’re just getting started, what you’ll find in the Order of Man store is just the beginning of what will eventually become a globally recognized apparel company.

I’d ask that you go support what we’re doing in the store right now because we have shirts, hats, flags, wallets, and, of course, our best-selling product, the Twelve-Week Battle Planner.

Not only will you look good as you support the mission to reclaim and restore masculinity, but you’ll have the opportunity to say that you own one of the original Order of Man products when we reach that global status.

And, it’s a great way to support the mission here: to reclaim and restore masculinity. Head to store.orderofman.com.

If you want to learn how to fish, the 30 Days to Battle Ready Program will teach you exactly how. You can enroll at www.orderofman.com/battleready.

Join our exclusive brotherhood, the Iron Council.

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