Higher education seems to be quite the topic these days. With the rising costs of education and the debate as to whether or not students are learning applicable skills, it seems inevitable that we'll see a shift away from traditional higher education to something more practical and affordable.
I've been an advocate for trade schools and apprenticeships programs for some time now but my guest today gives us yet another option to the challenges our young men and women face on the road to higher education. My guest today is the founder of MissionU, a one-year higher educational program that gives students the skills and experience to succeed after college. Today we talk about the rising cost of education and what can be done about it, how education institutions and students can and should work together towards solutions, bringing back the human element to schooling, and the future of higher education.
[quote cite='Adam Braun' align='none']"3/4 of all college grads believe universities fail to prepare them for work in the real world." Tweet That[/quote]
My guest today is Adam Bruan. Adam is a New York Times Bestselling author, an entrepreneur, and a speaker.
He is the founder of Pencils of Promise, a "for-purpose" organization dedicated to building schools around the world. In fact, they have now built over 400 schools.
What's even more impressive is that he took $25 and turned it into this organization that has generated $30,000,000 of funds raised.
Since then, he has turned his attention to the challenges surrounding higher education and has dedicated himself to creating solutions to some of the world's most challenging problems.
You're going to hear the passion and excitement in his voice as Adam and I have a conversation everyone would agree needs to be had about where to go with our post-secondary education.
[quote cite='Adam Braun' align='none']"I want [people] to have a clear path to their future and one that doesn't position them with massive, crushing debt." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Adam Braun' align='none']"Most of the benefit of college was in the relationships I build - it was what happened outside of the classroom." Tweet That[/quote]
I'm stoked to announce the dates for our third Order of Man Uprising. If you're not familiar with what this is, it's a 3 1/2 immersive experience designed to make you, as a man, bleed, sweat, and cry. And, let's be honest, most men haven't done either for too long.
All you need to do is get to Las Vegas and we'll pick you up, ship you to the mountains of Southern Utah and put you through some of the most physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging scenarios we can come up with.
This is all designed to give you the tools, the guidance, the framework, and the direction to take your life to a whole new level.
If you're interested in joining us, the dates are May 3-6, 2018. You can head to www.orderofman.com/uprising to get more information. Again, the dates are May 3-6, 2018 and you can get the details at www.orderofman.com/uprising. I hope to see you there.
[quote cite='Adam Braun' align='none']"Colleges have become these all-encompassing service providers. A lot of the increased cost is on the administrative side." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Adam Braun' align='none']"Giving someone hard, technical skills might help them get a foot in the door but it doesn't actually help them thrive throughout their career." Tweet That[/quote]
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