January 2, 2018

146: A Life of Adventure | Laval St. Germain

I want you to take a serious, truthful look at your life. When is the last time you went on an adventure? I'm not talking about a date with your wife, or trying a new restaraunt, or you happened to take a new way to work. I'm talking about a real adventure that scared you, pushed you, and made you feel alive?

Today I'm joined by adventure enthusiast, Laval St. Germain to talk about why it's critical we "step out, and shove off." Today we cover establishing new perspectives for life challenges, why most men are content with living vicariously through others, the danger of cognitive distortions, and how to live a life of adventure.

[quote cite='Laval St. Germain' align='none']"You hope for the best but plan and anticipate for the worst." Tweet That[/quote]

Laval St. Germain

Laval St. GermainToday, I'm joined by adventurer and explorer extraordinaire, Laval St. Germain.

This man is so qualified to talk with us about living a life of adventure.

His resume includes being the only Canadian to climb Everest without supplemental oxygen, climbing an skiing Iraq's highest peak, the fastest ever crossing North Atlantic solo row, climbing the highest peaks on 6 of the 7 continents among other amazing accomplishments.

He spent 53 days rowing across the Atlantic, and lost three fingers to frostbite. He's a mountaineer, an endurance athlete, and a pilot.

What more can I say about this guy? He's incredible and inspiring. I know you'll walk away inspired to live your own life of adventure.

[quote cite='Laval St. Germain' align='none']"We need to step out of our comfort zones and shove off from the dock." Tweet That[/quote]

Show Highlights

  • What calls a man to adventure
  • Overcoming excuses
  • Eliminating discomfort
  • Weight risk vs. reward
  • Creating a new perspective for life's challenges
  • Why we have a desire to prove ourselves
  • The concept of practicing misfortune
  • Mental preparation
  • The danger of congitive distortions
  • Rising to the level of our training
  • Finding experts
  • Why living vicariously through others is never enough
  • Avoiding comparison
  • What exactly is delayed activation

[quote cite='Laval St. Germain' align='none']"It doesn't bode well for us as a culture if we're relying so much on automation, comfort, and convenience all the time." Tweet That[/quote]

The Iron Council in Person

Guys, I know I've talked with you about the Iron Council before. It's an incredible digital community that's helped hundreds of men across the planet accomplish some huge goals.

But we really want to make this personal as well so we're in the process right now of creating regional meetups and gatherings for men inside the Iron Council. In addition to that, if you're a member of the Iron Council, we are throwing in a free half-day with me at the meetup which is going to be held January 26th-27th, 2018.

We're always looking for new ways to connect powerful men so they can learn from and be accountable for and to each other.

If you want to learn more about what we're up to, claim your seat at the table, and join with us digitally and locally, I invite you to get registered at www.orderofman.com/ironcouncil.

[quote cite='Laval St. Germain' align='none']"Practice being uncomfortable. Practice discomfort. Practice pain." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Laval St. Germain

[quote cite='Laval St. Germain' align='none']"The best comes out in people when they're stressed and going through difficult times. It's pretty easy to through life without getting your heartrate up and never being challenged." Tweet That[/quote]


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