Practice Yoga
April 12, 2016

Why Every Man Should Practice Yoga

Yoga - it's not typically a word we associate with masculinity.

That's about to change!

My guest shares with us the stigma around men and yoga, how it will make you stronger, and why every man should consider implementing yoga into his fitness regiment.

[quote cite='Dean Pohlman' align='none']"Yoga is about slowing down and building the basic foundation of movement." Tweet That[/quote]

Dean Pohlman

Dean PohlmanMen, I'm excited to introduce you to my guest today since we are going to be covering a topic we have not yet discussed.

Dean Pohlman is the founder and CEO of Man Flow Yoga, a yoga brand focused on the physical side of yoga without the spiritual fluff.

He is the author of the #1 bestselling eBook, Yoga Basics for Men, and contributes regularly to the Huffington Post.

A former collegiate lacrosse player turned fitness professional, he now focuses on making yoga more accessible to a wider audience through his fitness-centric take on yoga.

He's going to be sharing with us why every man needs to consider incorporating yoga into his fitness regiment.

[quote cite='Dean Pohlman' align='none']"Yoga helps me develop strength, range of motion, and flexibility. That's what it makes it unique." Tweet That[/quote]

What You'll Be Learning

    • Why Yoga is a great component of a man's workout
    • How yoga compliments other muscle-building workouts
    • The benefits to every man of increased flexibility and range of motion
    • How to incorporate yoga into your current workouts
    • The benefits of meditation outside of yoga
    • Simple strategies for improving your nutrition

[quote cite='Dean Pohlman' align='none']"Your power equals range of motion times force. That's why flexibility is so valuable." Tweet That[/quote]

Links Mentioned

[quote cite='Dean Pohlman' align='none']"Ultimately, if you improve your flexibility, you'll get stronger." Tweet That[/quote]

Connect with Dean Pohlman

[quote cite='Dean Pohlman' align='none']"Meditation is about focusing on the relationship between your breath and your body to help to clear your head." Tweet That[/quote]


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