The earliest skill sets of man included the ability to hunt game and provide for the tribe. In fact, a man's ability to survive, protect, and provide for his family and himself is still a primary mark of a man.
This week I have a conversation with Justin Townsend about hunting, fishing, and harvesting nature to do just that.
We'll talk about using nature as a resource to provide, how to create lasting memories in the outdoors with your family, and everything you need to get started on your own hunting adventures.
[quote cite='Justin Townsend' align='none']"It's a moment of pride because you know the food you hunted is feeding your family." Tweet That[/quote]
Justin Townsend has been a hunter and angler since he was a child and has always enjoyed the outdoors.
He was raised in Southeastern Oklahoma where hunting and fishing was used as a way to supplement home grown and store bought food.
Justin moved away from home to college where he was able to tune his culinary skills as a professional chef.
As time progressed, Justin combined his passion for the outdoors and his love for food to create the online publication, Harvesting Nature. Currently, Justin serves as the Editor-in Chief of Harvesting Nature and is a Pro Staff member for First Lite.
[quote cite='Justin Townsend' align='none']"Getting out into the wilderness to pursue my food allows me to reset my batteries." Tweet That[/quote]
[quote cite='Justin Townsend' align='none']"There are a lot of hunts that are memorable because for me, it's all rooted in family." Tweet That[/quote]
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